Example sentences of "claim that [adj] [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is claimed that economic power is constrained by the competitive market .
2 It has been claimed that automatic crystallisation is unfair in the sense that it could prejudice subsequent chargees who do not know , and indeed who may have no way of knowing , that the charge has crystallised .
3 Although this seems equitable , it is claimed that imputed income is not an everyday concept so that the tax of income that is not a money flow would be politically unpopular as it would have to be paid from the working partner 's income .
4 Finally , it may be claimed that real neutrality is comprehensive neutrality , narrow neutrality being compromised neutrality which is sometimes all that is possible .
5 A number of observers have claimed that modern ideology is marked by the ruthless demystification of tradition ( i.e. Horkheimer and Adorno , 1973 ; Horkheimer , 1978 ; Abercrombie et al . ,
6 Aid donors had recently taken a tough stance in particular with the Sudanese government for preventing relief aircraft from reaching areas in the largely Christian south , where the civil war against the Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) was at its height ; the Sudanese had claimed that such relief was being used to aid the rebels .
7 It is sometimes claimed that people in many cultures are aware of the ill-effects of inbreeding ( Lindzey , 1967 ) , but nobody , as far as I know , has claimed that such knowledge is universal .
8 One day he reported that the defence had claimed that partisan warfare was contrary to the Hague Convention , that the Germans therefore had every right to take reprisals against the partisans , and that any excesses on their part were explained if not justified by their horror of what the partisans did .
9 It can not be claimed that this machinery was very successful and the Thatcher Government rapidly did away with it .
10 It has often been claimed that English speech is rhythmical , and that the rhythm is detectable in the regular occurrence of stressed syllables ; of course , it is not suggested that the timing is as regular as a clock — the regularity of occurrence is only relative .
11 Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not .
12 Both Halsey and Goldthorpe ( 21 ) , ( 22 ) , separately have found that the privileged continue to be so over the years when we have claimed that educational opportunity was available to the able child .
13 Friends of the Earth , however , has claimed that these figures are artificially inflated as money spent on the cleaner gas programme needed to be spent anyway .
14 Recently some scientists , including Professor Sir Fred Hoyle , have claimed that these fossils are forgeries .
15 To claim that such functions are peculiar only to western cultural uses of words is plain ethnocentrism easily refuted by the evidence available .
16 Although I would be the last to claim that small businesses are without their problems , it is a great tribute to the entrepreneurs and to the small business men of this country that they can deal with difficult circumstances in such a way .
17 While it is correct , therefore , for the Government to claim that poor families are not theoretically faced with marginal tax rates in excess of 100 per cent , it is clear that low-income families as a group face marginal tax rates of double , and sometimes treble , what the majority of the population pays .
18 As we pointed out then , although a stretch of discourse can appear to be largely concerned with a single individual , or one discourse subject , so that the discourse may be loosely reported as being ‘ about ’ that individual , this should not lead us to claim that all discourses are about single individuals or can be given convenient one-word titles .
19 Of course , it would be naive to claim that all gifts are made with no thought of any benefit that might accrue to the individual or his or her family at some future time , or to deny that gifts are often a reflection of gratitude for past services rendered to a member of the family or the donor him or herself .
20 Even during the phase of rampant textual materialism , Ricardou and others were still able to claim that avant-garde writing was inherently political by its very existence .
21 In addition , evaluation within a Piagetian framework has led Furth ( 1966 ) to claim that cognitive skills are similar in deaf children , given equivalent exposure to the task requirements .
22 C. I. Lewis used to claim that basic beliefs were ‘ certain' or ‘ incorrigible ’ ( Lewis , 1952 and 1946 , ch. 7 ) ; it is not always clear whether he thought of these as the same as being infallible or not .
23 In the context of the conventional debate over academic freedom , a standard move in response to this point is to claim that academic freedom is a concept applicable to individual persons , and that academic autonomy is a concept applicable to institutions .
24 Furthermore , Britain 's liberal capital market has allowed easier access for foreigners to British firms than vice versa and this has caused some to claim that British industry is vulnerable .
25 It would be absurd to claim that this day is already near .
26 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
27 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
28 But adjudication officers may eventually claim that part-time employment is your normal pattern , and that you should not be entitled to benefit on the days you do n't work because you would not normally expect to be working anyway .
29 They would also claim that such forgiveness is important in their lives for , without the forgiveness of God and each other , it is seen as impossible to be reconciled with God .
30 If a new application is submitted , even with very minor alterations , the applicant can claim that previous objections are not relevant .
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