Example sentences of "quality or [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , we have little continuous idea of the quality or quantity of church life ; the bishops and local abbots occur in any records only as witnesses to charters and other documents .
2 It was , therefore , not surprising that the great economists of this period either ignored or made only brief and passing references to the quality or quantity of labour as an important factor in economic growth .
3 Counselling seeks to present troubled individuals with a ‘ mirror ’ through which they can assess their social performance , and the reasons which lie behind its success or failure , its quality or lack of quality .
4 Defining formulas are certain words or phrases that are frequently used in definitions , such as ’ the quality or state of being ’ or ’ of or relating to ’ , and these have been used to identify a variety of lexical-semantic relations in dictionary definitions .
5 A product 's quality or degree of innovation is never a guarantee of success and a lot will depend on just how hefty these forthcoming Japanese backers turn out to be .
6 A product 's quality or degree of innovation is never a guarantee of success and a lot will depend on just how hefty these forthcoming Japanese backers turn out to be .
7 As regards the value of a trade mark to a manufacturer , two factors are important : the buying public 's familiarity with the mark and their experience of reasonable quality or value for money in the past associated with the mark .
8 Fourthly , it is an offence for someone in the course of a business to supply goods bearing any statement about the seller 's liability in respect of description , quality or fitness for purpose unless the statement also makes it clear that the statement does not affect the statutory rights of the consumer .
9 This will therefore be the position where , for example , the seller is in breach of one of the conditions as to description , merchantable quality or fitness for purpose , implied by the Sale of Goods Act , sections 13 and 14 .
10 Of course there was nothing to guarantee that the soup you were canning would measure up to the quality or taste of Mother 's , nor that other soup canners would not make the same sales appeal .
11 They know that any shortfall in product quality or deficiency in service is a competitive opportunity .
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