Example sentences of "usually [vb -s] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He usually sleeps for a couple of days and then slowly builds himself up for the next trip .
2 My dad he he usually goes to a pub er it is on I think it 's Road but instead of coming this way he goes all the way into town up the other end , you know past the Hotel , he lives at
3 Path analysis usually refers to a technique of modelling relationships between variables using regression coefficients as the measure of the strength of effect .
4 A slightly different type of case is illustrated by the French feminine noun la sentinelle ( the guard ) , which usually refers to a man , and the masculine noun le ministre ( minister in the government ) , which may refer to a woman .
5 Participant observation usually refers to a situation where the observer becomes as near as may be a member of the group being studied and participates in their normal activities .
6 He usually sits upon a bench at a round stone table , resting his head in his hands , sleeping .
7 The key of this record will be the highest in that block , which usually corresponds to a track on a disk .
8 In eastern Drenthe for example , it can be shown that the edge of the marginal plat-form usually corresponds to a line following the maximum thickness of the formation ( Fig. 26 ) .
9 Bill confesses : ‘ My house usually looks like a tip .
10 It is not easy to find a general definition of the normal meaning of irony , but it usually stands for a process by which the content of a statement is qualified either by the reader 's attribution of a contrary intention to the author , or by the reader 's awareness of factors that are in conflict in one way or another with what is being said .
11 IT USUALLY starts with a phone-call from someone whose first words are : ‘ You do n't know me … ’
12 Connery came to Scotland to receive the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh , one of those civic honours which usually passes in a bit of ceremony followed by a bit of dinner .
13 Help her to fasten buckles by marking the comfortable hole she usually uses with a dab of coloured nail varnish .
14 Appraisal usually occurs in a face to face meeting between two individuals .
15 This usually results in a tableau which is primal or dual infeasible and the dual or standard simplex method is used to restore optimality .
16 Declining per capita income over a prolonged period of time usually results in a change of government , sometimes after a revolution or a military coup .
17 The relationship of dancers to each other usually leads to a climax of some kind , possibly a confrontation or conflict , perhaps an exciting pas de deux or a feat of virtuosity .
18 However , this usually leads to a proliferation of costs as well as inefficient working , as time and money are spent in linking the activities of the various sites .
19 It usually takes about a fortnight here
20 That is here , at this cinema and er usually consists of a film show and erm er presentation and then of a buffet lunch .
21 The panel itself usually consists of a number of metal pipes bonded to a metal plate , the whole of the collector surface being painted matt black .
22 The internal filter usually consists of a pump/powerhead mounted over a chamber filled with foam ( though other media can be used ) .
23 The tramp clown is the one that usually appears in a circus with baggy trousers and overlarge shoes .
24 She usually plumps for a lamb rogan josh ( £7.25 ) , a traditional dish cooked with spices , browned onions , ginger and garlic and simmered in yoghurt .
25 The therapeutic use of regression , which I am concerned with here , usually relates to a subject 's current life , and takes place purely at a psychological level .
26 This is important where the cold supply comes directly from the mains ( as it usually does in a kitchen ) and the hot water comes from the storage cistern .
27 Fashion usually operates within a system of emulation and differentiation in knowledge , such that it uses the dynamic force of object change as a means of reinforcing the stability of the social system within which it is operating ( Miller 1985 : 184–96 ; Simmel 1957 ) .
28 REPAIR work is , of course , limited by geography and a repair centre usually operates within a radius of about 30 miles .
29 Interaction usually begins with a period of eye contact which appears to signal from me to you ( and vice versa ) that we are ready to relate .
30 For younger mothers it usually comes as a surprise , an unintended consequence of a past or current sexual relationship , and an event for which there has been little planning or preparation .
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