Example sentences of "apply [prep] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In this , NPAs had to be given 1 month 's notice of a proposal by the applicant and the applicant had to show that the NPA 's agreement was obtained ( either to the scheme as originally planned or an agreed modified version ) when applying for agricultural grant to MAFF or WOAD .
2 In Scotland 100,000 have applied for free tickets to a Hogmanay party in George Square , Glasgow , which will also celebrate the city 's year as Cultural Capital of Europe .
3 In the 1920s and 1930s quantum mechanics was applied with great success to systems such as atoms or molecules , which have only a finite number of degrees of freedom .
4 But his argument contains ideas which can be applied with striking results to recorded music .
5 The menstrual taboo , originally presented and applied with explicit reference to maintaining the purity of the Temple and its cultic participants , was in the first century AD recast in terms of family law and the purity of marriage within the domestic unit .
6 These limited techniques were applied with limited success to limited organizational problems .
7 As Lord Upjohn said in Phipps v. Boardman , at p. 123 : ‘ Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of each case . ’
8 Hence the derisive name of ‘ strawshoes ’ was applied in legal circles to anybody who gave witness for money .
9 State of the art technology can be applied to existing installations to systematically monitor and record all lift activity and events .
10 This procedure is not limited to totally new projects and is applied to significant modifications to existing plants .
11 It should be noted also that Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy has been applied beyond psychiatric disorders to the problems of offenders and to people with learning difficulties .
12 The board processes themselves often do not work , so one often hears the remark : the company policy is X , but of course I am not personally in support of this , I believe we should be doing Y. Since industrial success depends totally on getting the concentration of effort of widely differing groups of people with different skills to be applied at optimum effect to the achievement of the common goal , it is not difficult to see why such disparate messages strike at one 's heart and give one a more than usual dose of despair .
13 However , Vauxcelles 's original references to the ‘ cubes ’ in Braque 's work and to his ‘ bizarreries cubiques ’ had been intended disparagingly , and the term ‘ Cubism ’ continued to be applied by hostile critics to the work of the more advanced painters whom they could not understand or appreciate , and by perceptive critics to these same artists whom they considered to be pioneers in a new movement .
14 Plastics are light , but the force applied by active children to toys ( or the weight of the box contents ) does not decrease in proportion , and the articles need to be thicker near such load bearing points .
15 Following the successful application , Nuclear Electric , the government-owned nuclear power generating company , is expected to apply for similar extensions to more of its seven ageing Magnox plants .
16 THE right to apply for lenient sentences to be over-ruled has made the public feel safer , the Attorney-General told TODAY .
17 This applied with special force to the discoveries of medical science ; life and death were no longer defined in terms of ‘ the Lord giveth , the Lord taketh away ’ .
18 Overseas candidates may apply for financial support to the British Council and other bodies .
19 Hopes that private and voluntary agencies , along with the nuclear family , could supplement the welfare state did not apply with equal validity to a society with more dislocation , more one-parent families , a growing divorce rate , and less active involvement by religious and other charitable bodies .
20 Stephen Koss 's verdict on the political press during the twentieth century applies with equal force to its impact on the operation of criminal justice :
21 And except in one particular , it applies with equal force to nationalised industries .
22 The reason why the Court found there was a right of access within Article 6(1) — that the rule of law required that the authorities ought not to be able to stand between individuals and tribunals — applies with equal force to a right to a judgment — that the authorities , including the courts themselves , ought not to be able to refuse litigants before them their judgments .
23 The problem of establishing coherent , explicit and stable objectives for state enterprises applies with particular force to the railways .
24 What each of us does over a long period of trial and error is to acquire a set of tools with which we are comfortable and which we can apply in different ways to the myriad problems which we need to solve .
25 The Act applies in certain circumstances to occurrences outside the United Kingdom .
26 Psychological method 's de-activation of women applies in different ways to different groups of women .
27 However , we would emphasise again that many of the points we have made in relation to natural law and rights theories apply with equal force to arguments based on the rhetoric of the rule of law .
28 These considerations clearly apply with equal force to other sexual acts such as buggery and oral sex .
29 They would apply to a world in which no production is possible at all — a pure exchange economy — and they apply with equal validity to a world in which nature-given raw materials and labor are converted through production into consumer goods .
30 These arguments apply with particular force to the study of state enterprises .
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