Example sentences of "base [prep] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unix now provides the user with access based upon the least privileges he or she requires to carry out their tasks .
2 The social movements based upon the latter affiliations , which were discussed in Chapter 2 , have assumed much greater political importance during the past few decades , and their development , like that of youth movements , needs to be examined in relation to wider social changes .
3 I would suggest that it is probable that Marx , as a materialist , would not have disagreed with Bukharin 's exposition of the case , since Marx 's own illustrations of simple and extended reproduction were implicitly based upon the same assumptions .
4 One of ACE 's claims is that members will be able to develop systems based upon the same building blocks which are sufficiently differentiated to enable them to go after separate market niches .
5 It is not without significance that in the present case Mr. Bookbinder 's action for libel is based upon the same complaints as those made by the council .
6 The Communist Party , moreover , was a unitary organisation based upon the same principle of democratic centralism , and there was no constitutional court which , as in a true federation , could have resolved any dispute about the respective powers of the republics and of the USSR as a whole .
7 Many of the founders of sociology believed it would be possible to create a science of society based upon the same principles and procedures as the natural sciences such as chemistry and biology , even though the natural sciences often deal with inanimate matter and so are not concerned with feeling , emotions and other subjective states .
8 The poi point about him is he 's a he 's always based in the same place .
9 Groups of children need to be based in the same neighbourhood .
10 Mr Chance has written a book based on the many talks he has given , papers he has written and conferences he has attended a record of his years working with the mentally handicapped .
11 Several of the sequences used shapes , and one was based on the many arrangements which can be made using the pieces of the Chinese tangram puzzle .
12 The same bombast , one suspects based on the same sense of uncertainty , was to be heard in the early 1990s from those who would have ‘ discipline ’ imposed from abroad and unrelated to the needs of the domestic economy .
13 Everyone might agree that financial statements should be based on the same standard but the inevitable follow up comment is : ‘ Yes , ours ’ .
14 In contrast , rugs produced in India , Pakistan , the Soviet Union , Afghanistan and the Balkans are often extremely difficult to distinguish from one another because they are usually based on the same range of traditional Persian , Turkoman or Caucasian designs ; often the only difference in their appearance is the fineness of the knotting and the skill with which the composition has been achieved .
15 These doses were based on the same proportion ( 1/200 ) of the recommended doses for adult patients .
16 His ‘ abc ’ is based on the same foundations of activity based principles — but he offers an approach that is less complex , easier and cheaper to implement .
17 To the extent that these parts of the social structure are based on the same values , they may be said to be integrated .
18 All dance is based on the same principles and rules which are dictated by the anatomical capacity for movement found in the human body .
19 Each series is based on the same principles :
20 Profiles of Development and other material based on the same principles can be seen as redefinitions of the National Curriculum .
21 Although the control of PGE in sheep is based on the same principles as that described for O. ostertagi in cattle , its practice is somewhat different for the following reasons :
22 The system is based on the same engine as its predecessor , and has been re-worked for the Mac in such a way that it is almost identical in processing sequences , Sage says .
23 Even more gripping than this documentary feature is Apted 's fictional movie based on the same incident , Thunderheart , a tight , concentrated political drama which the director got off the ground thanks to the backing of Robert De Niro .
24 Based on the same principle as the old-fashioned drawing aid they use jointed arms and co-ordinate geometry to provide a direct measure of the position of the stylus .
25 Indeed the Kyrie of Ludford 's Lady-Mass for Tuesday is based on the same square as the organ piece .
26 By the year 2000 , there will be a Volvo and Renault model based on the same platform .
27 Now , for the first time in the history of medical science , a substance has been isolated about which it is possible to say : ‘ If you base your slimming diet on this food you should shed weight more quickly and easily than on a diet based on the same quantity of any other foods . ’
28 The theory is based on the same Equivalence Principle you have just read about .
29 Indeed , as I have already indicated , it seems to me that the very claim of pedagogy to professional status is based on the same supposition .
30 They are based on the same 10V BiCMOS process as Thomson 's STKM2000 analogue-digital series .
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