Example sentences of "pass on to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The secrets were probably gone , passed on to the Russians .
2 Some of the cost can be borne by the management company and passed on to the owners through the maintenance charge , but the proportion relating to the construction and pre-sales periods will have to be borne by ourselves as developers .
3 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
4 Nevertheless , Brent CABx now have nine representatives of black groups and organisations on their management committee whose aim is to pass on to the bureaux their knowledge of the needs of the communities that they represent .
5 and Euston , I believe all those parish councils have written to the county surveyor , erm , wilfully the er H G V ban and saying how successful they think it is , now the proposals in this paper do n't have any particular effect on them , but I would want to pass on to the officers here in case it has n't erm quite registered , but this ban has been very much welcomed on the northern section of the A ten eighty eight where although it 's not a formal ban the affect on villages particular such as
6 They took things that I wanted to pass on to the children
7 Not exactly the sort of thought you wanted to pass on to the police at a time when two boys ' bodies had been found .
8 If , as expected , Mr Papandreou also fails to form a government , the mandate will automatically pass on to the Communists .
9 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
10 Over 100 Dale Farm milkmen have also been issued with incident report cards which they can pass on to the police through their depot manager .
11 probably by going to these meetings I can pick up the be best practice for ideas which can be passed on to the others
12 A hot potato is being passed on to the courts and ministers are safe in the knowledge they can hold up their hands and say : ‘ We tried everything we could ’ . ’
13 The document is basically a briefing document in order that every piece of information erm that is available to the police is then able to be passed on to the officers who are actually going to do the job .
14 Significant quotes from players were passed on to the writers who heard , for example , that the Europeans had a " quiet " lunch after the opening foursomes , that Tony Jacklin did n't sleep too well one night , that Strange and Kite do n't hit it as far as some , that the Americans were " stunned " after the first day and that , mostly , players thought the crowds behaved reasonably well .
15 Those costs have been passed on to the residents , so the gap has widened .
16 If the last is the case then those profits will either be retained in the company and reinvested , or they will be passed on to the shareholders as increased dividends .
17 In a highly competitive market the returns would be a satisfactory performance measure ; for a monopolist it might merely reflect that any inefficiencies in service have been passed on to the customers who have no choice but to pay the higher prices .
18 Years of close military co-operation , including joint work in missile development , have given Egypt valuable information about its former Iraqi ally , which has presumably been passed on to the Americans .
19 At that time the tax that banks deducted from interest payments to depositors was passed on to the taxmen each quarter .
20 When the messages were decoded they emerged as apparently meaningless blocks of letters , and these were passed on to the linguists in Hut 3 who turned them into intelligible German .
21 There is no contact-tracing as such , but , because it is felt that most of the problem is due to prostitutes ( an unlikely truth in any European country ) , the examining doctor can fill in a form which is then passed on to the police who will undertake a search .
22 Yet , not all this increase in bulk costs was passed on to the consumers in retail tariffs .
23 That impression was passed on to the children , and then to David .
24 In addition , the heavy tax rates of the late-Seventies would have made it virtually impossible , had one or other of the pair died , for the company in its entirety to be passed on to the children , Laura 's most cherished ideal .
25 If the recession is hitting mums and dads , it 's certainly not being passed on to the children .
26 He repeated the information he 'd passed on to the Abigails and to Mr Plant : that George Joseph Smith had bought fish for the late Miss Munday , and eggs for Mrs Burnham and Miss Lofty .
27 Nutrients from the sap are passed on to the ants in the mealybugs ' excrement .
28 To meet with the department to discuss with them how objectives can be passed on to the pupils .
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