Example sentences of "pass from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
2 ‘ Although this is a drastic comparison it is still worth bearing in mind , especially when we begin to pass from youth to maturity .
3 Passing from galley to main cabin , she stopped short .
4 Coleridge talked incessantly , and ‘ in digressing , in dilating , in passing from subject to subject ’ , he appeared to ‘ float in air , to slide on ice ’ .
5 Equation 7.7 can be compared with the earlier expression for geodesic deviation : taking account of the sign change in the spatial components of the metric when passing from Euclidean to Minkowski space .
6 The propensity to engage in witchcraft is considered to be hereditary , passing from father to son and mother to daughter .
7 Stalin 's argument was part of a broader one that he derived from Lenin : the right of national self-determination was valid only where countries were passing from feudalism to capitalism .
8 He had brought along several exhibits , including a portrait of Darwin he had found in a junk shop and an assortment of feathers and fossils that the children were passing from hand to hand .
9 More generous approaches to the question of emancipation were to be found not only in the many unofficial memoranda which were passing from hand to hand , but also in the minds of a few well-placed individuals whose views could hardly be ignored .
10 It is characterised by a tightly controlled method of weaving , where a shuttle passing from side to side of the loom between the warp threads creates loop pile or fine velvet carpeting that has a high density with a very smooth regular surface .
11 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
12 Although , typically , information passes from DNA to RNA , it can travel in the opposite direction .
13 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
14 A simpler way of looking at laicisation might be to say that institutional Christianity has lost some of its functions : most education passes from church to state ; so too do medicine , welfare and human counselling .
15 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
16 The modern or contemporary quarter of Intolerance would make an excellent film in its own right but even then the industrial scene would only be part of the scene setting and would fade in the memory as the hero passes from scene to scene in the ‘ picaresque ’ fashion of so many movies .
17 Land passes from father to son : his is split between himself and his father .
18 Just as each child has to learn a series of lessons and skills as he passes from class to class until he is ready to enter the senior school , so I believe that the spirit too is given a series of lessons to learn before it is free of earthly life altogether and able to progress in whatever is the equivalent of its senior school .
19 In all pre-industrial societies children pass from childhood to adulthood by a ‘ rite of passage ’ ; there is virtually no in-between stage .
20 It gathers up the movement of the house as we pass from kitchen to living room or dining room , or kitchen to bedrooms .
21 pass from grey to white ,
22 Via the half-reliable morsels of intelligence that pass from continent to continent along this jungle-drummed , smoke-signalled messageway , it appeared that William the Choco of Santa Fé in Darién was possessed of an unusual link with a great historical moment .
23 If we want to erect any distinction , it should be between genes that pass from body to body via the orthodox route of sperms or eggs , and genes that pass from body to body via unorthodox , ‘ sideways ’ routes .
24 If we want to erect any distinction , it should be between genes that pass from body to body via the orthodox route of sperms or eggs , and genes that pass from body to body via unorthodox , ‘ sideways ’ routes .
25 In The Silmarillion Tolkien played through once more the drama of ‘ paradise lost ’ ; but he added to it a hint of ‘ paradise well lost ’ ( for many of the elves preferred Middle-earth even to immortal life , like Arwen ) ; and through the story there runs a delight in mutability , as languages change and treasures pass from hand to hand ; the deepest fable is of beauty forged , stolen , and lost forever in recovery .
26 Attractive flowers pass from white to crimson .
27 Dr Obelkevich in a detailed study of rural Lincolnshire has shown that the " religious realm " of the rural poor reached beyond Christianity to " encompass an abundance of pagan magic and superstition " which was integrated with a Christian doctrine itself not left unchanged as it passed from church to cottage .
28 Still not worried , still sliding smoothly through the crowds , feeling as elusive as a shadow , I passed from night-spot to night-spot .
29 But the machine worked for about two centuries , from about 280 to 100 B.C. : and the way it worked was that Rome passed from war to war without giving much thought to the very metaphysical question of whether the wars were meant to gain power for Rome or to keep the allies busy .
30 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
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