Example sentences of "wait for the [noun] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it was n't the Russians , it was the British who wanted to interfere ; so I said , I am going away to wait for the day when once again an Austrian can decide when an Austrian may conduct music in his own country .
2 So that we can wait for the moment when she sees you well enough to be sure whether you are Liam or not .
3 ‘ Because you ca n't wait for the time when you 'll be a married woman ? ’
4 Nor can Colm Henry wait for the day when the whole ‘ chemistry ’ part of photography is done away with .
5 We can continue debating their demise , while we wait for the day when European taxpayers rather than farmers finally call the day on the common agricultural policy .
6 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
7 I was always waiting for the day when I would be beaten up , but it never came .
8 Her family and acquaintance would have been greatly astonished to learn that Camille considered herself prematurely grown-up , and she herself was waiting for the day when she could tame her anger into cold bitterness and frame it into phrases as cutting as tempered steel .
9 Barbara Adams , a US-born resident of Katmandu , said : " I am waiting for the day when owning a Tibetan carpet incurs the same disapproval as wearing a leopard skin coat . "
10 When she reached the plateau she remained standing , watching for Joss Barnet , waiting for the moment when she would see him riding towards her .
11 Not all teachers are closet radicals , though , waiting for the moment when the unbolting of the examination doors will allow them to open up their pedagogical style .
12 When she began to unbutton his shirt he stood , paralysed , staring at the slack flesh round her stomach , he shivered and she took it for excitement ; he had dreamed about this , waiting for the moment when he would instinctively know what to do , would take control , but instead she was rubbing against him with a cool professionalism that unnerved him .
13 Sheikh , who was batting , stood crouched over his bat , patiently waiting for the moment when Mafouz would decide to let go of the ball .
14 Waiting for the time when profiles run .
15 As his wife , Jeanette applies ointment to loosen the glue , Adrian waits for the moment when he 'll be able to see again .
16 They waited for the moment when I might put myself beyond their pale .
17 We waited for the moment when we would hear those words : ‘ It 's a … ‘
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