Example sentences of "wait for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Freda Bastianelli , the mother of four-month-old twin boys , who has a house on the shoreline , complained that another year was a long time to wait for a possible cure .
2 In those places where there is a delay in substantiation , faith is prepared to wait for a long time at the bar of history .
3 I remarked to my friend , ‘ You 'd have to wait for a long time to get a train from here , ’ he smiled and we both set off for the youth hostel down the road .
4 Last Friday the civil servant in charge of government policy on radioactive waste management reiterated Whitehall 's position that a solution to the disposal issue would have to wait for a future generation .
5 Will he beef up the public consultation procedures which his Department are currently casting aside like autumn leaves shrivelling on the ground , or do we have to wait for a Labour Government in the full flush of a green spring and summer to bring sense back into our planning system ?
6 Will we have to wait for a Labour Government before positive action is taken ?
7 In these cases I either have to wait for a passing walker and ask for assistance , try to reverse my direction or take the plunge and risk damage to chair and body .
8 Can I afford to wait for a young child to discover such procedures ?
9 Just nine first and you dial straight through , you do n't have to wait for a secondary dialling tone do you ?
10 I have to wait for a white actor to turn down a role because the stuff that they 're supposedly writing ‘ black ’ ai n't happenin' .
11 However , he went on to say that the acceptance of the existence of Communist China did not mean that Taiwan had abandoned its " one-China policy " and that the country was prepared to wait for a positive response to its proposals for unification on the basis of liberal democratic policies .
12 The Irish are patient enough to wait for a lucky break .
13 I had to wait for a considerable time for the expanse of blue sky above my chosen scene ( figure XX ) to be substantial enough for photography .
14 You can use this function to wait for a specified time for a key to be pressed .
15 The lifetime of the proton in a nucleus is predicted to be greater than 1025 years , so it is not feasible to wait for a sufficient number of transmuted atoms to accumulate .
16 But British and French workers did not have to wait for an economic upturn .
17 Similarly , Message Queue Interface should improve the efficiency with which loosely coupled systems work : travel agents , for example should be able to request flight information from one system and get straight on filling in other details without having to wait for the remote system to respond .
18 Its close links with the English cathedrals had to wait for the Norman reorganization , which first made possible in England an absenteeism and pluralism on the German model .
19 The decision of whether to prescribe an antidepressant should be made on the basis of whether the patient shows ‘ biological ’ features of depression which predict a good response ( e.g. early morning wakening , diurnal mood variation , and weight loss due to impaired appetite ) ; whether , in the case of severe depression , one can afford to wait for the delayed response of an antidepressant ; and the extent to which environmental factors seem largely to explain the symptoms .
20 His one break from bop conventions lay in the pacing of each set , since he favoured fast tempi almost exclusively , and we had to wait for the penultimate tune of the night to hear a ballad played at real ballad speed .
21 Klaasen 's contention that ‘ the only integration that has gone on so far has been among the top officials ’ seemed to be borne out by the fact that we had to wait for the penultimate game of the tours to seen the first nonwhite player take the field .
22 In fact , unreasonable behaviour is often used as a means of getting a quickie divorce where husband and wife both want one but do n't want to wait for the two-year separation period ; and because the age of chivalry is still not dead , men are often willing to let their wives petition for divorce when the fault is fifty-fifty , or even when the women are more to blame .
23 Erm I do look for opportunities to talk to people about God but I , I certainly think that you have to wait for the right opportunity because , if people are ill or very down , then it often is n't the right time when they 're vulnerable erm to try and erm talk to them about something .
24 The chief executive may know what change is needed , but has to wait for the right time to introduce it .
25 His only choice at present was to wait for the right moment to play his hand .
26 ‘ I had to wait for the right moment to tell Nicola .
27 On the other hand it raised the danger of an ambitious cousin , too impatient to wait for the present ruler 's death , committing regicide ; and there were many instances of this .
28 To wait for the appropriate moment .
29 The contras ' new military commander , Israel Galeano ( who replaced Enrique Bermúdez , the organization 's nominal head , in early February ) , said , however , that the contras intended to wait for the formal handover of power before disbanding .
30 And another Quote of the Week ( and how long we have had to wait for the national press to notice what has been so obvious for so long ) : ‘ With Waterstones backed by W H Smith , and Pentos ’ gearing rising , there can be little doubt who has the deeper pockets to fight a protracted battle .
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