Example sentences of "shall [be] [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is now time to flesh these remarks out a little more and begin to orient the discussion toward some of the themes we shall be discussing in succeeding chapters .
2 It is true that rule 42 of the Rules provides : ‘ No verdict shall be framed in such a way as to appear to determine any question of — … ( b ) civil liability . ’
3 ( 1 ) The proceedings on consideration and Third Reading of the Bill shall be completed in two allotted days .
4 It shall be characterized in particular by a system of labour law that corresponds to the social market economy and a comprehensive system of social security based on merit and social justice .
5 Indeed , she is a foretaste of what we shall be getting in these other ships .
6 So far as possible the particulars of the charge shall be stated in simple terms , but they shall also show the precise offence in law with which he is charged .
7 ( 1 ) On any a plication for the renewal of a licence in respect of any premises ( other tan off-sale premises ) , a licensing board may require a plan of the licensed premises to be produced to the board and lodged with the clerk , and on renewing such licence the board may order that , within a time fixed by the order , such structural alterations as the board thinks reasonably necessary to secure the proper conduct of the business shall be made in that part of the licensed premises in which alcoholic liquor is sold or consumed .
8 The Order shall be considered a contract made in England and shall be governed in all respects by the law of England and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts .
9 ( 4 ) In an action for personal injuries ; ( a ) the number of expert witnesses shall be limited in any case to two medical experts and one expert of any other kind ; ( b ) nothing in para ( 1 ) above shall require a party to produce a further medical report if he proposes to rely at the trial only on the report provided pursuant to Ord 6 , r 1(5) or ( 6 ) but , where a further report is disclosed , that report shall be accompanied by an amended statement of the special damages claimed , if appropriate .
10 The General Board may dispense any professor from discharging the duties of his office during one term ( i.e. a term of sabbatical leave ) for every six terms of qualifying service , provided that ( i ) qualifying service shall normally accumulate up to a maximum of eighteen terms , from which six terms are deducted whenever a term of leave is granted , and ( ii ) not more than three terms of sabbatical leave shall be granted in any one period of three years .
11 The subscribers are then ‘ deemed to have agreed to become members of the company and on its registration shall be entered in such in its register of members . ’
12 When we say that a flag at half-mast means that someone has died , we refer to a social convention that death shall be marked in this way .
13 The famous Marx Brothers ' contract scene in A Night at the Opera ( " The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part " ) exaggerated the worst excesses of legal drafting , but it had some basis in fact .
14 Such measures shall be introduced in such a way that … they are at the same time conducive to price stability , a high level of employment and foreign trade equilibrium , and thus steady and adequate economic growth .
15 The car shall be produced in constant supply , irrespective of demand , and be made available at incredibly silly prices for all worthy organisations , local authorities and small businesses on a means tested basis .
16 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
17 The World Cup organising committee has agreed that two white balls shall be used in all the matches .
18 If he is himself a Director , he shall be entitled in such circumstances as aforesaid to exercise the vote or votes of the Director or Directors for whom he is an alternate in addition to his own vote .
19 If he is himself a Director , he shall be entitled in such circumstances as aforesaid to exercise the vote or votes of the Director or Directors for whom he is an alternate in addition to his own vote .
20 We shall be examining in due course how organization can make fullest use of books , materials , equipment and ancillaries ; we have reminded ourselves that it can also make fullest use of the many abilities in the staff room .
21 The next step is to ensure that they are receiving all the State benefits to which they are entitled ( a subject we shall be examining in more detail later in Chapter 5 ) and that any capital they have is being invested wisely and safely .
22 5 All amounts payable by the Publisher to the Proprietor are payable in legal currency of the United Kingdom except for the sum of CAN $55,000 for the purchase of the master video tape which shall be paid in Canadian dollars .
23 What I owe him shall be paid in full , and I 'll make him count the coin over in his ruin .
24 The regulations state specifically that such investigations shall be held in private , and this sometimes leads to misunderstanding .
25 ( 7 ) Proceedings relating to matters mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) above , including voting in connection therewith , shall be held in public , but a licensing board may retire to consider its decision in any such matter and the clerk of the board shall accompany the board when it so retires unless the board otherwise directs .
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