Example sentences of "walk over [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Morse smiled to himself , and was walking over to the door when Stratton spoke again : ‘ Can I ask you a favour ? ’
2 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
3 I told him how it was and he left , walking over to the hotel .
4 Walking over to the school . ’
5 He swung away from her , walking over to the edge of the small pond , his body rigid with a tension that made her afraid to do or say anything that might unleash that anger once again .
6 I get up and start walking over to the bridge .
7 ‘ Kopyion , ’ the Archon said , walking over to the police officers .
8 She hesitated , her eyes showing a momentary unease , then she did as she was told , walking over to the corner where he had indicated .
9 As I was walking over to the piano I was thinking , ‘ Should I really be doing this ? ’
10 ‘ He wo n't touch sheep or hens , ’ said the boy , walking over towards the hide .
11 He lifted a hand off his cup in weary salute to one of his sergeants. a very dark Scot in a crumpled grey suit who was walking over from the counter , and the man altered course to sit opposite him .
12 They get up and walk over to the mirror on the closet door .
13 That is to say that in a real life movie , the director would say to Kevin Costner ‘ Start walking here , Kev , darling , and walk over to the chair .
14 He saw the blond man he had wounded , Hugh they called him , walk over to the bush where the sack was .
15 I would make myself some tea , I decided as I packed away my papers , then walk over to the post office to make my call to Crispin .
16 Enter the hardware shop and buy the wrench , exit and walk over to the fire hydrant .
17 And er sometimes it takes a bit of courage to walk over to the tap when everybody 's saying there 'll be no water , and for you to turn that tap on .
18 Stepping up onto the landing , he was about to walk over to the door when a large hand dropped onto his shoulder .
19 I wrote up the notes , made myself some scrambled eggs , then decided to walk over to the post office to see if my brother had telephoned last night with any message .
20 ‘ Would madam please excuse me , ’ he said and walked over to a filing cabinet , shrugging exaggeratedly as he passed one of his colleagues .
21 He walked over to a door at the far end of the office and flung it open .
22 He walked over to the window and tapped on the glass .
23 He walked over to the window and looked out at the courtyard below , busy with ambulances and patients clutching appointment cards as they peered hesitatingly at signs pointing the way to Casualty and X-ray and Outpatients , with the birdlike figures of caped nurses changing shifts , and the white coats of housemen hustling importantly from ward block to ward block .
24 He got to his feet and walked over to the window hearing the angry voice but no longer having to face her , watching the reflection of her pacing figure , the swirling hair .
25 Now he swung his legs out of bed , reached for his dressing gown and walked over to the window .
26 He walked over to the window .
27 He turned and walked over to the window where he stood looking out with his hands clasped behind his back .
28 Helpless with anger , she walked over to the window .
29 She walked over to the window .
30 Edward stood up and walked over to the window .
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