Example sentences of "event which [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As in Handsworth , the event which led to the rioting involved police-officers and a black person .
2 Annie recalls , in fictional form , the event which led to the rift in their friendship , apparently referring to herself in the third person .
3 Yet yesterday 's report on the Clapham crash , confirming the picture which emerged throughout the Hidden inquiry , makes an event which seemed at the time totally unexpected look almost inevitable .
4 To use a single but important example , it is the difference between looking at the Great War as an event which centred around the policies and machinations of politicians and generals , or one which impinged upon the lives of ordinary people .
5 However , the clearest example of the power of the moon is a strange event which occurs in the seas round Fiji and Samoa each November .
6 An event which occurs after the breach of duty and which contributes to the plaintiff 's damage , may break the chain of causation , so as to render the defendant not liable for any damage beyond this point .
7 By its very nature , the birth of twins became an event which partook of the mythic , which linked man with some of his oldest and most potent mythic images and ultimately with his gods .
8 So what you 're saying , in terms of the eight minutes , is that something , an event which happens on the sun , which is visible , takes about eight minutes to reach us .
9 If he wins his group he will meet Colchester colleague and world number seven Chris Walker , the second seed , in the main event which starts on the Thursday at Beckenham and Cheshunt .
10 Puppies are unable to relate to an event which occurred in the past , so if you find that a place has been soiled overnight there is little point in scolding the puppy accordingly .
11 This tells us water temperatures were changing and we believe this represents a major almenial event which occurred in the year seventeen forty seven .
12 One visitor to India reported on just such an event which occurred in the Bombay presidency at the end of Victoria 's reign :
13 Such a sudden death , while engaged upon a religious war , and without the essential last sacrament , seemed almost to be an impossibility , an event which flew in the face of all religion , order and concepts of essential rightness .
14 These olfactory cells , are long and narrow with their length perpendicular to the plane of the nasal cavity and attached to each are five , six even eight olfactory hairs , or ‘ flagella ’ , which are believed to be affected by odorous materials , setting off a chain of events which results in the odour being perceived .
15 Growth factors generate a number of putative mitogenic messengers which then feed into various pathways to control both early events at the G0/G1 boundary ( for example , fos and myc transcription ) and later events which culminate in the onset of DNA synthesis .
16 Frederick 's rejection of this sensible advice and subsequent acceptance of the Bohemian crown sparked off a series of events which culminated in the Thirty Years ' War .
17 The latter became InterCity property in 1986 , following a long and complicated sequence of events which began near the end of 1983 with the enforced withdrawal of the SLOA Pullman set , following the discovery that the potentially dangerous blue asbestos coach body insulation had become exposed .
18 MPs today begin investigating the events which led to the Government dropping its golden share in Jaguar and the subsequent deal to sell the company to Ford .
19 Nevertheless , the party could not entirely dissociate itself from the events which led to the formation of the National government , even if the chief villains , as far as it was concerned , were now in political opposition .
20 The shock of the change of circumstances was sufficiently numbing to dampen any inclination to run riot , particularly after the painful build up of events which led to the final arrest .
21 An idea of the complexity of this process can be gauged from the events which led to the first successful casting of iron cannon in Sussex , at Buxted in 1543 .
22 At the trial of the action the plaintiff conceded that the defendants could not have foreseen the precise chain of events which led to the explosion .
23 The events which led to the loss of HMS Impregnable make interesting reading and through research , we have been able to obtain a transcript of the court-martial .
24 Chamorro , 60 , was the widow of Pedro Joaquín Chamorro , whose murder in 1978 had sparked off events which led to the Sandinista revolution and the overthrow of the Somoza regime in July 1979 .
25 First Lieutenant Jaroslav Oudran was sentenced on March 14 to 4 1/2 years ' imprisonment and stripped of his rank by a military court , having been convicted of using force in an " inadmissible " way during the violent police dispersal of a demonstration by students on Nov. 17 , 1989 , which had set in motion the events which led to the removal of the communist regime [ see p. 37026 ] .
26 Other events which contributed to the decline of the madeira wine industry were the American Civil War ( which meant a temporary loss of the American market ) and the opening of the Suez Canal ( which meant a reduction in the number of ships calling at Madeira ) .
27 The case would go to appeal on the issue of whether West German law could apply to events which occurred in the former East German state .
28 Every marriage is affected by events which occur outside the partnership .
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