Example sentences of "hope that this [noun] will " in BNC.

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1 We hope that this publication will aid that process .
2 Dr Collier and others hope that this trial will remove the toxic cloak of secrecy surrounding their regulation .
3 Says John : ‘ We hope that this approach will take the personality element out of the audit process and will ensure that we shall all be using the same measurement criteria .
4 Quite simply , we hope that this portfolio will inspire you to visit and enjoy the specialist mix of quality shops and the entertainment .
5 We hope that this menu will encourage more people in schools to sample the journal .
6 I hope that this issue will reassure you .
7 Mr McHardy added : ‘ Given that we are a non-party political grouping and have received support from members of all Scotland 's political parties , we hope that this proposal will not be seen as contentious by anyone . ’
8 John Feaver , LTA Director of Events and Tournaments , said , ‘ Our experiences last year convinced us that something had to be done and we hope that this system will really help the enthusiastic spectator . ’
9 We hope that this Update will keep you abreast of the latest developments in assessment and related issues .
10 I regret that it is not possible to provide any further information on this matter at present , and hope that this information will be of assistance to you .
11 We hope that this booklet will help you do this , by setting our clearly the various aspects that you will need to consider .
12 We hope that this booklet will be of interest to you both during your tour of the School and for perusal later at home .
13 I hope that this book will be a major source of practical advice and assistance and will encourage the return of practitioners .
14 I hope that this book will stimulate you to look at problems in another way and try some approaches which are different from those you normally use .
15 We hope that this book will help those contributing to a Compact to understand the issues at stake , be alert to potential pitfalls , be sensitive to the needs and concerns of constituent members , and , in the end , develop a creative structure through which Partnership between Education and Industry can provide a positive future for young people .
16 We hope that this project will be a great success .
17 I hope that this debate will be about the valuable contribution that Britain can make to the European community , rather than a sterile argument about whether the king 's prerogatives will be taken over by the Government and given away in the face of the people .
18 that , that , as a result of that we could be , Leicester City could be at the top of the first division , I know the Chairman follows the Philbert Street Foxes , I would hope that this chamber will support the Leicestershire foxes when it 's time to take our vote .
19 And since at least some aspects of deixis make a difference to truth conditions , we may hope that this shift will coincide with the decision to restrict semantics to the truth-conditional aspects of meaning .
20 While it may be too much to expect the applicant to appreciate the wider impact and implications of his proposal , and while it may be unreasonable to expect any but the most steadfast defender of National Park principles to resist continual local pressure for change , CPRW hopes that this Inquiry will enable a more far- sighted view of what is at stake , to prevail .
21 It is always to be hoped that this charism will be active in popes and bishops , but it is not , nor can it be , reduced solely to their authority .
22 It is hoped that this extension will provide members with the opportunity to consider/ discuss this matter more fully .
23 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
24 It is hoped that this study will remedy the omission and demonstrate a possible role for the ATB in helping the family farmers and part-time farmers .
25 It is hoped that this study will permit the better understanding of how women with no other economic options can be helped to adjust their sexual-commercial behaviour to slow the transmission of the HIV virus .
26 It is hoped that this chapter will not be dismissed as an arid academic ground-clearing exercise , since it has important things to say about the most appropriate way to approach the subject of the book .
27 It is hoped that this chapter will cast a little light on this question .
28 At present 5 library systems successfully notify accessions and withdrawals by tape ; it is hoped that this number will increase in the future .
29 It is hoped that this project will be innovative not only in the material resented and analysed , but as a contribution to new modes of scholarly publication .
30 It is hoped that this instrument will help him in his new parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Leasowe to enrich further the lives of the people at home with all kinds of music .
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