Example sentences of "create [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Don Macro , chairman of Dial-a-Ride , which provides minibus transport for the elderly and disabled , said the scheme created problems for the charity 's clients .
2 By attempting to create rules for the exercise of power , the people subject to it have some hope of being able to control it and to make it legitimate in their own eyes .
3 The organisers hope to encourage participants to create networks for the exchange of information on the development and use of alternative media .
4 The organisers hope to encourage participants to create networks for the exchange of information on the development and use of alternative media .
5 The ruling United National Party and the other major political parties ( with which Premadasa was anxious to establish a consensus on the issue ) viewed the LTTE initiative with considerable scepticism , suspecting that its main purpose was to facilitate re-grouping and consolidation of rebel forces rather than , as claimed , to create conditions for the resumption of peace talks .
6 Withdrawal of American troops was prepared by 19 May in fulfilment of Truman 's decision that , ‘ Every effort should be made to create conditions for the withdrawal of occupation forces by 31 December 1948 . ’
7 An agreement reached with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced on May 10 was expected to release new credits and to create conditions for the rescheduling of the US$50,000 million debt [ see p. 37222 ] .
8 While the purpose of creating commodity organisations was neither to escape liability nor to create profits for the organisation itself , but to control dealings in the commodity for the benefit of member States , the consequence has been to deprive third parties who were dealing in good faith with the organisation of a domestic judicial remedy .
9 Dr Christoph Brockhaus , director of the Lehmbruck Museum of Duisburg , developed the concept of inviting fifty West and East German artists to create sculptures for the castle , park , countryside and city of Gotha .
10 He staged a counter-attack which brought him back into power in 1769 , but at the price of a financial disaster from which he never recovered ; money was borrowed to buy shares with which to create votes for the election of directors at a time when the value of the Company 's stock collapsed .
11 Create engineers for the future
12 Fortunately these approaches create difficulties for the faker and also leave clues for the scientific investigator .
13 It is important then to draw up a list of specific personal examples which create difficulties for the client .
14 Subsection ( 3 ) creates remedies for the recovery of profits and compensation for loss , and subsections ( 4 ) to ( 7 ) contain procedural provisions applicable to the remedies under subsection ( 3 ) .
15 Recording observations can also create problems for the ethnographer .
16 Inevitably this perspective will create problems for the insider as he now comes to recognize the arbitrarily constructed nature of his universe .
17 This technique can create difficulties for the reader , since the introductory simile is often some distance from the underlexicalised term .
18 This creates problems for the neighbourhood police when events in the area force other sections of the force to adopt the more aggressive and repressive mode of public order policing , and the success the neighbourhood men have in overcoming communal suspicion depends almost entirely on wider social and political circumstances rather than any feature of their own conduct .
19 It creates difficulties for the jury ( in interpreting its meaning ) , for the victim ( in focusing the trial on her behaviour ) and for the Crown ( in endeavouring to overcome the stereotyped notions of consenting sexual relations from which the jury is likely to derive its interpretation of consent ) . ’
20 Communication , reflexively , creates conditions for the process of acquisition to take place .
21 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
22 The announcement , by the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) , the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture , will " create incentives for the development of safe pesticides " and " remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk to health , " according to food and drugs commissioner David Kessler .
23 Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator .
24 Vieira said on May 13 , 1990 , that the PAIGC had begun the process of creating conditions for the introduction of a multiparty system , adding that it was essential that this process developed in a spirit of dialogue and on a non-tribal basis .
25 Moreover , the emerging plans for creating networks for the promotion and dissemination of study skills and other project-related developments give promise of a healthy future .
26 The 1980 Education Act , which extended parental choice of schools , was seen as creating pressures for the raising of academic standards .
27 He asked Ashton , who was an old friend and had just created Illuminations for the company , to suggest who would be most suitable .
28 Individual government departments also created problems for the use of volume analysis .
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