Example sentences of "support [prep] the [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 The wide margin between support for the Conservatives in the South of England and Labour in the North and Scotland is shown in Table 5.7 and in Map 5.1 .
2 The DES accompanied the report with Circular 11/77 , ‘ The Training of Teachers for Further Education ’ , in which it declared the Secretary of State 's support for the proposals in principle , together with the hope that an early start would be made on their implementation , ‘ so far as this is possible within existing resources ’ .
3 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
4 That provided support for the regulars in a vital role .
5 The accord follows a threat by the Greens to withdraw their support for the Socialists in the regional assembly unless consideration for environmental factors was built into development strategies .
6 With this effort to deploy support for the arts in New York has come a proliferation of arts alliances , organizations and advisory committee .
7 Together with the London boroughs , the LAB attaches a high priority to helping to nurture the audiences , performers and producers of the future through its support for the arts in schools and for organisations which work for young people .
8 The probable father-and-son relationship between Beornhaeth , who was associated with Ecgfrith in his defeat of the Picts in the early 670s , and Berht , who led the Northumbrian forces into Uí Néill territory in Ireland in 684 , even suggests Irish support for the Picts in their wars with the northern Angles .
9 By July he was flight Lieutenant and part of the detachment operating from Malta in support of the operations in Sicily .
10 His successor , Majorian , is unlikely to have gained the support of the Burgundians in 458 , when he drove them out of the lands which they had received with the approval of the Gallo-Roman senators .
11 That is why my right hon. and learned Friend continually puts forward those proposals , and he has the full support of the companies in my area , which understand those problems .
12 In the early part of the year the Bank was honoured as the winner of the category for Outstanding support of the Arts in the Scottish Awards for Business Sponsorship of the Arts .
13 Again , in our case it is an absolute requirement that we should have the support of the localities in which we place our factories .
14 However , the Soviet initiative attracted only marginal support from the states in the region .
15 The Hellenic ideal — or ideals — that German intellectuals and writers hoped to live by could hardly command full allegiance without some support from the professionals in the field and perhaps some modification from their new ideas .
16 The theology of liberation first developed in the 1960s as a Christian Socialist philosophy which holds that it is the duty of the Catholic Church to work for social and economic reforms , particularly in the Third World , and to adopt the cause of the oppressed , These positions were approved at a meeting of Latin American bishops in Medellin , Columbia , in 1968 and represented a watershed for the church in Latin America , The Medellin documents openly denounced the poverty and brutality of the relations of production in Latin America : withdrawing support from the classes in power the bishops called , most significantly , for agrarian reforms , The documents proposed programmes , based on the method of Paulo Freire 's " education for liberation " , which were designed to promote a new sense of community action for change among the poor .
17 Although the Revolutionary Command Council consisted exclusively of military men it was not devoted solely to military interests : Jallud , for example , was said to have strong support among the technocrats in the petroleum and development departments .
18 As an election approaches , the government of the day will pump money into the economy and so engineer a boom , lower unemployment , and win popular support at the polls in the hope of securing another term in government .
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