Example sentences of "draw up in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the car drew up in front of the Lodge with a crunch of gravel , Detective Sergeant Allen strode out to meet them .
2 The huge wooden gates were opened by a legionnaire in combat kit with a FA-MAS assault rifle slung across his chest , and his beret tilted over his right eye ; we drew up in front of a five-storey building and got out .
3 It was raining as we drew up in front of the building and started unpacking our kit .
4 He drew up in front of a pair of wrought-iron gates where he was immediately challenged by a bearded man wearing jeans and a faded black T-shirt .
5 When he brought her back he just drew up in front of the villa , jumped out , opened door , kissed hand , ‘ Bon soir , Madame , ’ and he was off .
6 Across the road , a taxi drew up in front of the august jewellers and a man in pinstripe trousers and black jacket got out , then helped a woman with magnificent grey hair to alight .
7 They were both silent , busy with their own thoughts , apart from her directions , until he drew up in front of the divided house that contained her tiny flat .
8 ‘ You bitch ! ’ he whispered as the car drew up in front of the country house hotel that her father had decided was good enough for the reception to celebrate the wedding of his only daughter to the reigning world champion .
9 They drew up in front of a pair of steel gates topped with spikes .
10 Morse made no reply , and two minutes later Lewis drew up in front of The Randolph .
11 But , fifteen minutes later , it was n't the police station , but one of the local hotels that they drew up in front of .
12 He turned into a dusty side-street and drew up in front of a five-storey block of flats .
13 A Service Agreement for the purchase of an individual place in residential or nursing home care has been drawn up in discussion with a ‘ reference group ’ of voluntary and private sector providers .
14 There are at least 36 million people to be won for Christ , but where are the plans drawn up in response to the challenge and opportunity ?
15 It is not surprising to find the Russian government in 1784 asking officially for information on the organisation of the ministry ; and the memorandum drawn up in response to this request by one of the premiers commis paints , even allowing for some gilding of the lily , an impressive picture of the efficiency with which , at least in theory , correspondence was classified , answered and indexed .
16 The plans have been drawn up in response to concern over the nuclear industry 's long-term financial future , particularly after the end of the non-fossil fuels levy in 1998 .
17 The Act was hurriedly drawn up in response to quickening deforestation which included new roads being driven into virgin wilderness .
18 Environmentalists reacted with caution to the UK government 's White Paper on the future of the coal industry , drawn up in response to the widespread protests over the announcement of pit closures in October [ see ED 64 ] .
19 SHOCK plans to close Seacombe Ferry terminal recently-revamped by Mersey Ferries are being drawn up in secret by transport chiefs .
20 However , he omitted to mention that the agreement ( drawn up in secret in 1990 ) has been ratified by only three of the 12 EC countries and is therefore not in force .
21 These will be drawn up in conjunction with local planning authorities with the aim of managing the countryside to develop sustainable agriculture , safeguard plant and animal wildlife , and preserve traditional landscape features , such as woods , hedgerows and dry-stone walls .
22 Local guidelines drawn up in accordance with Working Together govern the circumstances in which a conference may be convened and who may attend .
23 Are building programmes for the next financial year drawn up in time to be available to managers before holidays are allocated ?
24 The group calls for a system of zoning to be drawn up in collaboration with the fishing industry .
25 An enormous powder blue car , gleaming and new , its plentiful chromium winking in the sunlight , was drawn up in front of the house and against it leaned a man in a white suit .
26 The whole horse militia of Westmorland and northern Lancashire , and all the militia of Cumberland , were drawn up in front of the little Lake District town , under the chief local landowner , Lord Lonsdale , and with 10,000 men they easily outnumbered the rebels , but a mere sight of Forster 's advance guard was enough and the whole body fled in terror , leaving the field littered with horses and arms .
27 A single-bar electric fire stood in front of the empty grate and a wing-backed chair , threadbare and with broken springs , was drawn up in front of it .
28 The Rolls drawn up in front of Prince 's Lodge was evidence that they had arrived .
29 What is wanted out of a mission is contained in a briefing paper , drawn up in advance by the mission chief and approved by the managing director of the IMF .
30 The plan has been drawn up in consultation with the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation which maintains that there is no danger to nearby sites , but is fiercely opposed by other archaeologists who say this area has not yet been explored .
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