Example sentences of "difficult [to-vb] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That made it difficult to work out the company 's exposure to open contracts at any given time and this , in turn , allowed Mr Koval to indulge in ‘ extensive trading outside any limit contemplated by the plaintiff 's board ’ .
2 Nice and easy for those of you just beginning to try your hand at intarsia and it 's not too difficult to work out the chart for yourself with the many aids available .
3 It is difficult to sum up the succession of kings and sub kings who schemed and killed their way to brief spells of power — eight of them in one century — or to keep in steady perspective the shifting boundaries and aspirations of petty earldoms and self-proclaimed kingdoms .
4 The structure of Angevin rule in Aquitaine had been severely shaken by the Young King 's intervention , but once he was gone it was not difficult to pick up the pieces .
5 We can not settle the theory of life histories because we can not be sure whether cave organisms put more effort into reproduction than do their relatives at the surface ; nor can we be sure whether they have reduced metabolic rates , which makes it difficult to sort out the question of adaptation .
6 I do n't drink and it 's very difficult to shut out the stresses of the day .
7 He is sensitive to the problem of testing the thesis since it is difficult to separate out the influence of parties and politicians from that of other institutions , groups , interests , and the whole context of economic policy-making .
8 So maybe it 's difficult to separate out the consequences of abuse per se from the consequences of erm lousy emotional environment , from the consequences of neglect and deprivation , from the consequences of a whole range of non-sexual abuses which you may find in the kinds of environment where child sex abuse is more likely .
9 When trading takes place on anonymous markets it may be difficult to match up the buyer and the seller , thus making rescission virtually impossible .
10 Productivity has been maintained , as far as possible , by the increasing use of artificial fertilizers , but it has proved very difficult to keep up the humus level on which a good soil structure depends .
11 A ) I would n't do it anyway , even if they were doing four , and B ) it would be difficult to keep up the quality over 65 programmes !
12 It would be difficult to keep up the momentum of its campaign and in addition it had created tensions within the two organisations from which most of its members came , the NILP and the republican movement .
13 Ann found it very difficult to tell , just as she had found it difficult to fathom out the workings of Martha 's mind in the days before she and her twin were married .
14 It is very difficult to marry up the sale of a record with a live show .
15 It 's very difficult to break down the stereotypes but if you do that I believe you release a whole new artistic form .
16 In the euphoria of getting through the first night , Charles had forgotten how much concentration that effort had taken , and found it difficult to get back the rhythm of his lines with the A.S.M. The sleepless night and the excesses which it had incorporated did not help , either .
17 When taut , no problem , but as the trees starts falling it is difficult to take up the slack , thus a backwards tumble into the shrubbery .
18 Since it is very difficult to lay down the conditions for deciding where the boundaries between tone-units exist , the discussion of this matter must wait until later .
19 Since the sex , age and social class distributions for the general population are known it is not difficult to parcel out the interviewers ' tasks according to these criteria .
20 How to use : Apply to wet hair ( otherwise it will be difficult to shampoo out the oil ) by massaging well into the scalp to reach the hair roots .
21 But Soviet deputy farm minister N Averyanov said they would find it difficult to make up the deficit from imports because of the lack of hard currency .
22 In the dim light it was difficult to make out the illustration .
23 There were no windows on the first-floor landing , and in the dark it was difficult to make out the numbers on the doors .
24 But it is difficult to pin down the symptoms .
25 Er there are many cases where it was difficult to tie up the appointment contract with the physical works contract .
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