Example sentences of "spend [adj] time [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When an Orc wants to do something he simply does it , where a human might spend untold time weighing the alternatives .
2 Why not stay awhile and spend some time exploring the delights of this fascinating county .
3 We could spend much time analysing the possible reasons for the failure of classroom multimedia in the 1970s .
4 He tried to persuade his master to be stricter with the children , and was always complaining that Heathcliff and Catherine did not spend enough time studying the Bible or attending church services .
5 Toby spent some time smoothing the ruffled sensibilities of Corbett Farraday ( ‘ I mean , after all , when you n–y to give them a bit of fun … ‘ ) , then he went to check the changing huts , which Bill Muggeridge usually forgot to lock after his afternoon tearing round blowing whistles at the boys .
6 We spent some time discussing the operation of the traditional or discount market because , we said , it was in that market that the Bank of England tried day by day to influence monetary conditions in the domestic economy .
7 But on the journey to Vadinamia I also spent some time giving a little thought to security .
8 The educational psychologist spent some time explaining the legal side of Statementing , which is complex .
9 He had had a good idea for a story the previous lesson and spent much time preparing a detailed picture to start it off .
10 He continued his serious studies , and spent much time visiting the sick as usual .
11 The more weak-willed of the defenders very often spent more time watching the native princes eating their banquets than they did watching the enemy lines .
12 Thanks so very much for getting me Bloomfield 's annotated NT , vol I. I 'm delighted to have it , and have just been spending some time revisiting a few cruces to see what explanations are offered .
13 Walter Last has spent some time developing a system for cutting the compound angles on the segments for his turning
14 Their meaning is not easily grasped by those who have spent some time studying the Christian faith , and yet the church still presents these complicated extracts from the Bible and the ASB to people who may never have heard the name of God spoken reverently before , and who are searching for some germ of belief to help them understand the vacuum created by the death of the person they love .
15 In Angola and Mozambique , there are strange creatures called ‘ Marxist-Leninist States ’ when Marx and Lenin had both spent much time denouncing the State as intrinsically oppressive , but the media mean no more by this phrase than radical nationalists .
16 One only wishes that he had spent more time gaining a perspective outside America .
17 VBS used to give Output Manager away with their somewhat quirky VB No5 program but now seem to be spending more time developing the Output Manager rather than No5 !
18 I HAD to spend some time comforting a distraught mother whose child was thought to have a behavioural problem .
19 But then she also spends some time persuading the audience to laugh at her own idiosyncrasies and rather portly shape .
20 Nevertheless every choreographer creating this kind of romantic ballet today has to spend much time creating the proper gestures to replace the words , which in such ballets are never spoken but must be understood .
21 As the events which followed the Warsaw coup illustrated , circumstances required " the Russian bear " to spend more time mauling the non-Russian inhabitants of the Russian Empire than attacking non-Russians abroad .
22 He had borrowed a car from one of his colleagues , and he felt hot , sweaty and uncertain of himself , having had to spend more time mastering the crate 's uncertain ways than in preparing himself for the meeting to come .
23 I spend some time extracting the following day 's tasking for my platoon and allocate teams to each task .
24 Many people spend more time planning a holiday than in preparing for retirement , which may well occupy up to thirty years of life .
25 He complained that whenever he asked Huston what tomorrow 's shooting schedule was , the director would simply reply , ‘ Spend more time absorbing the beauty of the scenery and less time worrying about your part . ’
26 Let's hope the pessimism of the last edition is firmly left behind — perhaps with Edward Pearce — and that thinkers like Stuart Hall spend less time applauding the Tories and much more time helping to rid us of what he calls this ‘ nightmare ’ .
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