Example sentences of "open up the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is recognized that any programme of improving information management will cost money , in the form of staff and equipment , but any money spent will result in opening up the wealth of our information resources to larger numbers of people .
2 Information technology is playing , and will increasingly continue to play , a major role in opening up the curriculum to people with disabilities .
3 The abrupt cut can be softened by a lap dissolve , originally done by gradually closing down the iris on the lens ( a fade-out ) , winding back the film and then opening up the iris for the same length of time and film ( a fade-in ) .
4 She also delivered her own populist riposte , opening up the possibility of a referendum on the issue of the introduction of a single European currency .
5 These operate as discursive resources to be drawn upon and articulated in different combinations in particular contexts , thus constantly opening up the possibility of tension , inconsistency and contradiction within and between sites .
6 Blocked negotiations with the unions resumed at the end of January , opening up the possibility of extending the deadline for job losses to the end of 1994 .
7 A European Court of Justice ruling on July 21 was seen as opening up the possibility of EC citizens applying for social security benefits in the United Kingdom even though they lived outside the UK .
8 US scientists have successfully produced the first gene-altered wheat , opening up the possibility of the development of high-protein strains and ones resistant to drought and disease .
9 You could be opening up the way to new prosperity .
10 By doing business , inviting foreign experts to work and teach inside China and opening up the country to the world , progress seemed certain .
11 Here he studied under Otto Wallach , who was opening up the chemistry of terpenes natural products important as flavours and fragrances .
12 Identifying a discharge as ‘ polluting ’ is the first step in opening up the sequence of decisions to be made about modes of control .
13 Such international collaboration is now continuing to locate the gene itself , opening up the prospect of devising a test to find out which women are at risk of developing the disease .
14 To return to the point made by the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) , this is all about transparency and opening up the process to much greater public scrutiny , so that the public can see what is going on , the taxpayer can see what his or her money is being spent on and the customer can see the standard of service being contracted to be provided .
15 In opening up the debate to the floor , Inez stressed hopes for democratic discussion , respect for differing and varying views .
16 In the series ‘ Show Girls ’ she depicts the showgirl and stripper with the intention of opening up the debate around the fetishised female image and the male voyeur .
17 ‘ It acknowledges the success of the JY team in opening up the world of current affairs for ordinary people .
18 It was a turning point for the business and set Thomas Cook on the road to opening up the world to men and women who had not dreamed of travelling before .
19 Measures aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and the privatization of state companies continued apace throughout November .
20 His other principal concern was using steam power to open up the interior of Africa to trade .
21 It was a lovely sight to see all the sleeping hens on their perch and exciting to open up the door in the morning to find they had laid eggs for our breakfast in the three nest boxes on the floor .
22 The criterion-basis of the new examination seemed to open up the possibility of an assessment system that would be public , open , and uniform , yet applicable to virtually all pupils in school , whatever their ability .
23 To open up the possibility of independence there 's only one party that is interested in independence , and that 's the Scottish National Party , ’ he says .
24 It was argued that it would be undesirable to open up the possibility of private prosecution , and that the sensitivity of the area was such that it was imperative that prosecution policy be consistent .
25 But to regard such [ cultural ] forms as ‘ saying something of something ’ , and saying it to somebody , is at least to open up the possibility of an analysis which attends to their substance rather than to reductive formulas professing to account for them .
26 Secondly , to open up the possibility for modern society of a rational discourse , freed from artificial domination , in which participants share equally in the conversation .
27 A few jokes would help to open up the absurdity of the way things are . ’
28 Robert had tried to open up the subject of Hasan several times , but Mr Malik seemed far less concerned about him than he had been .
29 The next writer , Erica De'Ath , begins to open up the field in which child care needs arise , families and children , and the many changing patterns of family life which characterize the latter half of the twentieth century .
30 The remainder of the chapter begins to open up the question of what impact new technology is having on whatever jobs may remain .
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