Example sentences of "open [pos pn] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
2 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
3 During June and July many artists living and working in East and South East London have been opening their studios to the public , coordinated and publicised by the Whitechapel Gallery .
4 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
5 An enterprising sheep farmer is opening his gates to the public during the lambing season .
6 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
7 If the bonnie banks of Scotland were to open their accounts to the world , there would be a run on the pound and some of the country 's most famous clubs would collapse with embarrassment .
8 Both are trying to open their economies to the West .
9 It is notable that , on the final French campaign of 1449–50 , carefully and confidently organised by the king , and carried out by a much-reformed army , the majority of fortified places did not resist , preferring to open their gates to the side which not only controlled more firepower but claimed with greater vigour to represent legitimate and effective rule .
10 WHAT a delightful coup by the Royal Opera House , Covent Garden , to open its doors to the Maryinsky Theatre , St Petersburg , in a Royal gala celebrating the Russians ' renaming both the theatre and its city with their original title .
11 ‘ It has opened my eyes to the value of self-development , showing that people can acquire new skills without having to resort to external courses . ’
12 I opened my eyes to the sun riding high over Fair Hill .
13 I opened my eyes to the sound of yet more crashing of dustbin lids , gales of laughter and the occasional scream coming from behind the bushes .
14 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
15 Yes , it opened my eyes to the plight of socialists and Labour Party members in England and to the fact that not all the English voted Tory , particularly in the north .
16 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
17 Eastern Germany and Poland opened their economies to the outside world all at once — eastern Germany on July 1st 1990 , the day of its monetary union with western Germany ; Poland on January 1st 1990 , the day of its ‘ Big Bang ’ of economic reforms .
18 Surely even the most stalwart art lover must have trembled just a little when , earlier this summer , in conjunction with the four exhibitions organised by the Whitechapel Gallery ( featuring 200-odd works ) and over 900 artists — 58 groups in 53 locations — opened their studios to the public .
19 He and Jane have exhibited together twice before : as part of Cleveland Visual Arts Festival at Kirkleatham Museum in October , 1989 , and on home ground when they opened their studios to the public last October as part of Cleveland Arts Festival .
20 A TOTAL of £590 was raised for the Welshpool Friends of Hope House when the town 's Dingle Nurseries opened their grounds to the public .
21 The still-rarefied atmosphere received a heavy blast of different air as the school opened its gates to the bulging generation of girls born just after the war and a working class bound for higher educational achievements than it had ever had within its reach .
22 Britain 's best known dogs home opened its doors to the public yesterday after a four-day break .
23 And when , in 1983 , The Guggenheim Museum opened its doors to the ‘ return of painting ’ with an exhibition devoted to Transavanguardia , works by the ‘ 3Cs ’ ( Chia , Cucchi and Clemente ) , were snapped up at prices in excess of $50,000 .
24 On 7 December 1967 the Apple Boutique at London 's 94 Baker Street opened its doors to the world , selling all the bright colours and bamboozling gaudiness of that most extraordinary period in the history of fashion .
25 THE Ulster Cancer Foundation 's annual art exhibition and sale opened its doors to the public yesterday .
26 In Bournemouth , Mummies Day this year was at Easter , for that 's when a breathtaking new exhibition on the Royal Mummies of Ancient Egypt , opened its doors to the public .
27 Hoddesdon depot opened its doors to the St John Ambulance in March when they offered their conference room for a training course as part of the organisation 's ‘ Breath of Life Week ’ .
28 West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl broke off his visit to Poland on Friday and flew home to deal with a dramatic political situation after East Germany opened its borders to the West .
29 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
30 Over the coming months , Leo opened her eyes to the other Manhattan , to another America .
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