Example sentences of "reach its [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 In Prussia the agricultural crisis was to reach its climax in the 1880s and 1890s , but its effects were still to be seen and felt well into the twentieth century .
2 Other issues on which morals can be drawn are whether dreams are forewarnings of events to come , and the image of woman as man 's confusion : the latter point , though , the Nun 's Priest himself refuses to present seriously : The burlesque treatment of matters of moral seriousness in the Nun 's Priest 's Tale reaches its climax in the middle of the tale , with a reference to one of the crucial dilemmas or mysteries for Christian philosophers : that of reconciling human free will with the necessary truth of God 's Providence .
3 The cult of precision reaches its apotheosis in the presidential code name : Zero One .
4 His career should have reached its climax in the great Franco-Scottish chateaux of Fonthill ( 1849 ) for the Duke of Westminster and Buchanan ( 1851–53 ) for the Duke of Montrose , but the first was built only in a much reduced and quite different form while Buchanan suffered from the late substitution of plate glass for the mullioned windows which were an indispensable element of his style .
5 They had a turbulent career , reaching its peak in the early 70's , but this for followed by almost 2 decades in the wilderness .
6 Each year in February and March a different decade is remembered , with the festival reaching its climax in the year 2000 .
7 Between these two stable points the composition tilts and weaves through the various clustered groups and knots of interest , reaching its climax in the prostrate figure of Nelson .
8 Positivism , and the rehabilitative ideal associated with it , gradually came to dominate criminological thinking and rhetoric , reaching its zenith in the 1950s and 1960s , especially in the United States .
9 The Messianic Age will shortly reach its culmination in the return of Christ .
10 This cat-and-mouse game between engineers and the elements was to become a major theme in the next great age of wetland reclamation , which began under the Tudors and reached its climax in the middle of the seventeenth century .
11 The fame of Lionel Trilling in New York , of F. R. Leavis in Cambridge , peaked in the years after 1945 , in their middle age , and their consciousness of fame and influence reached its climax in the early 1950s with the appearance of two essay-collections , Trilling 's The Liberal Imagination ( 1950 ) and Leavis 's The Common Pursuit ( 1952 ) .
12 Medieval Serbia reached its zenith in the fourteenth century during the reign of Dušan ( 1331–55 ) , who was crowned Tsar ( Emperor ) of ‘ the Serbs and Greeks ’ in Skopje in 1346 .
13 The aristocracy had long chosen to immure its dead in church vaults or specially constructed mausoleums , and this practice reached its peak in the royal mausoleum at Frogmore , built by Victoria after the death of Albert .
14 The village reached its peak in the middle of the 19th century-when the population reached 846 and the occupations listed in the census of the time show it to have been totally self-sufficient .
15 Almost as this detailed organisation reached its peak in the fourteenth century it was , as we shall see , to break irreversibly .
16 What the Henry Pratt books ( there is a second in print , Pratt Of The Argus , and a third imminent ) have in common with the rest of Nobbs ' work is his love of running gags and bizarre symmetry , an interest which made Perrin so relentlessly funny and reached its peak in the near-geometric farces of the two Bit Of A Do series .
17 The Seljuks ' cultural and political dominance was soon overtaken by that of the Ottomans , a more powerful invading force from Central Asia , whose empire reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries and whose influence is still in evidence today .
18 Encouragement to view children through the filtering lens of levels of attainment reached its peak in the School Examinations and Assessment Council 's ( SEAC ) A Guide to Teacher Assessment .
19 Local authority building reached its peak in the 1970s .
20 The representative middle-class institution was the family , which reached its apotheosis in the nineteenth century .
21 This was not common practice but it reached its apotheosis in the 1945 general election when the Observer completely detached itself from the political parties and carried articles by representatives of each of the main parties .
22 The genre of apocalyptic historical prophecy reached its apotheosis in the writings of Oswald Spengler , whose The Decline of the West had been published coincidentally at the time of Germany 's military defeat .
23 The human capital concept is not new , even though it reached its apotheosis in the 1960s .
24 Their campaign reached its height in the winter of 1861–62 at a time when the anxieties of both reactionary and liberally inclined sections of the nobility were intense .
25 The attempt to make sociology as much like a natural science as possible reached its height in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s .
26 Seen in his context , which was inter-war Cambridge , Leavis was never much of an innovator , and it is hard to see his critical notoriety , which reached its apogee in the 1950s and early 1960s , as anything other than a triumph of style .
27 Slowly there emerged the rural three-class system which reached its apogee in the eighteenth century : aristocratic landowners could live in civilised leisure from the rents of tenant farmers who in turn employed landless wage-workers .
28 GDP actually reached its trough in the second quarter of 1992 , since when it has grown by 0.2% each quarter .
29 This tendency reached its nadir in The Shining , but Full Metal Jacket represents a partial recovery , particularly in the brilliantly stylized choreography of the opening section in the training camp .
30 It was the beginning of the independent foreign policy which was to become a hallmark of Ceauşescu 's rule and reach its zenith in the summer of 1978 .
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