Example sentences of "reach for the [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The bit where the singing host reaches for the mike and does an ‘ impromptu ’ duet with his or her guest always merits a quick lurch for the off button .
2 He reaches for the spoon and begins shovelling cabbage .
3 He reaches for the tray but it 's beyond his fingers .
4 It was safe to assume , he said , that no more than a dozen MPs knew whether they should be reaching for the champagne or the shotgun when the Government announced last month that the business rate was to be set at 36p in the pound last month .
5 John Ashenden , seated alone in the front nearside seat , debated with himself about reaching for the microphone and saying a few words about Somerville College , the Radcliffe Infirmary , the Tower of the Winds , the large , late nineteenth-century redbrick residences , St Edward 's School …
6 ‘ I wish you would stop telling me what to do , ’ she complained , reaching for the cup and sipping slowly .
7 He reached for the case and took it in both hands .
8 He reached for the bottle but Oliver got there first and pretended to be reading the label .
9 She reached for the bottle and half filled his tumbler .
10 He glanced at her briefly , then reached for the bottle and topped up both their drinks .
11 She reached for the teapot and poured without a tremor .
12 Then he reached for the brandy and tipped a measure into his own cup before offering to do the same with Shiona 's .
13 He reached for the soap and began to wash .
14 He reached for the door but failed to find it .
15 She reached for the door and started to pull it open , but Nicolo 's hand closed around her forearm .
16 He reached for the telephone and when he was connected spoke down it briskly in German .
17 After a moment or two she reached for the telephone and contacted the police .
18 He reached for the phone and pressed the ‘ call ’ button .
19 As she slumped against the sofa cushions Vass reached for the phone and dialled for room service .
20 Back in his office he reached for the phone and dialled his home number .
21 He reached for the phone and rang the London office .
22 He reached for the bat and sent it skimming along the boards .
23 Murray reached for the mop but Richard pulled it away and squeezed it out in the bucket as he had seen the maids do .
24 He reached for the paperweight and weighed it in his hand again .
25 Giles reached for the wine and emptied the rest of it into their glasses .
26 Susan reached for the doorhandle and found only smooth upholstery .
27 Putting their dinner on the table , Trent reached for the photograph and studied it for the umpteenth time since finding it on Don Roberto 's piano — his mother , and the Colonel as a young man .
28 His eyebrows reach for the ceiling and he actually attempts to answer the question , as only somebody who spent years in psychotherapy would .
29 Ricardo shows great patience with me as I reach for the dictionary or , using a book and his long fingers , he makes the rituals clear to me .
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