Example sentences of "reach [adv prt] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Children playing in fen churchyards in the nineteenth century were able to reach down and touch the coffins exposed by the wasted peat .
2 It would have been easy for anyone to reach in and yank a club out of the bag . ’
3 The window was barred although it was possible to reach through and open the casement He preferred to sit there because in better weather he could see out into the Inner Ward and the White Tower .
4 Is there a glass panel you could break to reach through and release the cylinder rimlock ?
5 Worse still , she longed to reach up and smooth the ruffled disorder caused by his impatient gesture .
6 There was a need to reach out and put a hand on a person 's shoulder , take her/his arm , hold a hand , thus increasing the repertoire of non-verbal communication with older people .
7 All she wanted , as she sat motionless beside him in the luxurious interior of the Aston Martin , was to reach out and touch the muscular , sun-bronzed knee so close to her own slender legs .
8 She wanted desperately to reach out and touch the angular cheekbone , to run her fingertips along the firm , sensuous lips …
9 The foyer is packed with pilgrims ready to reach out and touch the hem of any passing garment .
10 He pulls the top part of the metal cover further up , and the lower half sinks at the same time ; he reaches in and gathers an armful of logs , bringing them over to the hearth .
11 She reaches over and brushes the hair off of my eyes .
12 Claire reaches over and puts the used Kleenex on the next table .
13 He reaches up and takes the oregano off the spice rack .
14 The subtle vibrations of our mind reaches out and touches the minds of all others .
15 He reaches out and puts a hand comfortingly on Robyn 's pair .
16 The long arm of Mani Pulite has now reached out and grasped the head of Siemens AG 's Italian subsidiary , arresting Giorgio Scanavacca , president of Siemens Telecomunicazioni and managing director of Siemens SpA , on suspicion of corruption : the arrest was reportedly linked to alleged kickbacks to political parties paid to secure contracts with the state telephone company , ASST .
17 Despite Kipling 's dictum that " Never the twain shall meet " , the East had reached out and touched the West with a premonition , perhaps , of the planetary holism which was to grip our minds less than a century later when we walked on the moon , looked back , and for the first time saw the whole earth rising as a single bubble of life .
18 Rincewind thought he could see a faint streak in the air , as if something from the mountain had reached out and touched the beast .
19 And suddenly , for no reason , a pain went through her , as though he had reached out and driven a stake through her heart .
20 He reached in and wrenched the little bundle of plastic bands out of my hands , and I sat there , silent , watching as he fumbled the bands into position with the little cup to hold the weapon under his right armpit .
21 Shepherd switched the hologram off , then reached in and lifted the flexible plate up .
22 The General reached down and took the little bouquet .
23 Bella 's fingers reached down and began a slow upward movement on the inside of Johnny 's thigh , the long scarlet nails making a faint scratching sound on the material of his trousers .
24 Woolley reached down and shot the spur off Hawthorn 's left boot .
25 Seb reached down and put a hand over her mouth .
26 A huge hand reached down and put a little tray on the packed earth under the floor .
27 He reached down and grabbed the boy 's wrist .
28 ‘ What , like this ? ’ you 're supposed to have said , reaching down and rapping a leg with your knuckles .
29 ‘ That 's right , ’ said Connon , reaching over and taking the tickets .
30 She managed to make a half turn so that she could see the silver door , because perhaps she could reach out and reach over and grasp the elaborate handle and somehow pull herself out .
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