Example sentences of "build [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is one sign of the rise of semi-literacy that the descendants of the nineteenth-century civic worthies who took pride in the libraries they opened genuinely can not see any problem in closing them down a hundred years later , or authorising the ruthless dispersal of their stocks built up during that period .
2 As I have indicated , the requirements for competition are slightly different , but we can use the fitness built up through normal training to provide a platform upon which to establish more specialised requirements .
3 It seems that the quality of information built up through this kind of rating is different from that collected during more detached observations .
4 Reading involves the recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for recall of meanings built up through past experience , and the construction of new meanings through manipulation of concepts already possessed by the reader .
5 I understand that other roads built up on one side only have been granted 30 mph speed limits .
6 A collection of vintage farm machinery built up by one man over thirty years is to be auctioned off tomorrow.The field full of equipment includes tractors shipped over from America in the nineteen forties to help the British war effort.Richard Barnett reports :
7 They are thrown in sharp contrast against the benefits which emerge from ‘ money purchase ’ schemes , where the pension and other benefits are determined solely by the value of the fund built up by each pension scheme member at retirement .
8 Any goodwill built up by careful diplomacy and treaties was swept away by Scapula 's savage reprisals , and any shreds left with the Trinovantes by the brutal contempt displayed by the veterans at Camulodunon .
9 The court will have regard to the general mercantile structure within which a relationship arises , a structure of relationship and expectation built up from accepted custom and methods of dealing .
10 The enormous edifice of presumed relationships built up from careful study of homologous structures , ( the supreme example is the study of bones in the skulls of reptiles ) may have to be re-examined , and if necessary dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up .
11 After running the filter for a few days , stock with just a couple of fish to begin with , and gradually build up to full stocking .
12 Of course , there is nothing to guarantee that the authorities will stick by the same decision rules : they could become so agitated by public concern over the build up of inflationary pressure that they could jettison their employment objective and opt for contractionary demand management policies .
13 Good synthetic brushes deliver high performance , but cost less , so if there is a build up of acrylic paint at the ferrule ( the base of the bristles ) and performance is impaired , they can be replaced more cheaply .
14 The build up of cytosolic calcium inhibits further release through its inhibitory effect on the release channel and the cytosolic calcium is removed by being pumped back into the stores or out of the cell ( Fig. 4 d ) .
15 With increased capital expenditure and a build up of working capital , there was an outflow of cash in the year following two years of strong positive cash flow .
16 Feed little and often thus preventing a build up of uneaten food on the base of the tank .
17 Unfortunately , early efforts are likely to lead to the model charging backwards towards the pilot followed by a large application of forward stick causing an uncontrollable build up of forward speed .
18 Ozone is itself a form of greenhouse gas — helping to retain the sun 's reflected heat in the atmosphere - , and its destruction may be allowing more heat to escape than was hitherto thought , compensating for the increased heat retention caused by the build up of atmospheric carbon dioxide and other " greenhouse gases " .
19 The speed at which these pulses returned told environmental experts at the town hall about the build up of dangerous exhaust fumes on High Row .
20 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
21 The air quality over much of Britain deteriorated during hot weather in May , with a build up of photochemical smog in some areas .
22 The cleaning kit will also remove the build up of magnetic oxide which collects on the head .
23 The account in Table 2.3 of the build up of independent study across the Course would be an example of a course-wide policy which is permissive progressively permeating the Course as a whole .
24 ‘ Generating electricity causes serious environmental damage by contributing to acid rain , to the build up of radioactive waste and to the threat of global climate change .
25 Leaving gaps in the base of the wall near ground level will prevent the build up of excessive water in the soil behind .
26 In reminiscence , you build up from past life to the present .
27 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
28 More recent extensions include office units built along with extra hardstanding , around 1980 , all of this blending in with the character of the remainder of the site .
29 A resource box can be built up for each history unit .
30 The concept of the provings : the way in which the drug pictures are built up for each remedy .
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