Example sentences of "describe [pron] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 WHEN I BEGAN to write about Thrush Green in 1958 , I described it in the first few pages of the book I called Thrush Green , and a little later as seen by Ruth Bassett from the bedroom window of her late grandfather 's beautiful house overlooking the green .
2 The species are ‘ christened ’ when a scientist describes them for the first time , illustrates their peculiarities and publishes the name in a scientific journal .
3 The AT&T programme , called ‘ New Art : New Visions ’ , describes itself as the first corporate effort in the U.S. to help promote recently created work by living artists , especially the work of women and ‘ artists of colour ’ , the term now used to refer to artists of the many racial minority groups vying for exhibition space and for a dwindling pool of public and corporate funds .
4 For instance , one of the manuscripts containing a copy of only Book 1 , describes it as the first part of the book called " The Mirror of Contemplation by Canon Walter Hilton " ( Lansdowne MS 362 : Prima pars libri qui dicitur Speculum contemplacionis — Walterus hiltoun canonicus while one of the few manuscripts to contain Book 2 alone refers to it as " the secunde part of the reformyng of mannys soule drawyn of maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
5 Mark Williams Co of Northbrook , Illinois bills the 4.0 release of its Coherent Unixalike as the answer to an impecunious Unix-lover 's prayer , describing it as the first inexpensive , easy-to-use , 32-bit clone of Unix and ‘ smaller , faster , and less expensive than any other Unix operating system for the Personal Computer ’ .
6 The opposition Sandinista National Liberation Front ( FSLN ) withdrew its 39 delegates indefinitely from the 92-member National Assembly on June 18 , protesting over a " reactionary initiative " to remove two 1990 laws on land redistribution and describing it as the first step of a plan to destroy the achievements of the 1979 revolution .
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