Example sentences of "pull out [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 the same sort of thing that Noel bought last year when he saw one of the men in the village , using it to pull out a lot of weed from undergrowth , really
2 Uninvited , she lay down her towel a very short distance from Charity 's and began to sort through an obscenely large bag , pulling out a variety of beauty products .
3 A major problem the country has right now is an economic one ; the Soviet Union is pulling out a lot of its aid programmes and has obviously bankrolled the Country since nineteen seventy nine , so there 's a tremendous economic problem added to the er battles of the Khmer Rouge are causing the government to fight .
4 " It 's all right , Alice , " said Pat , pulling out a chair for her .
5 Roman , pulling out a chair for her to sit , turned a slow , devastating gaze on her , totally annihilating her composure .
6 Ven enquired , pulling out a chair for her at the table .
7 ‘ Take a seat here , ’ he instructed , pulling out a chair from the table .
8 Letters 32 to 49 of the RNI were all written on 1 March with the express purpose of pulling out every stop in favour of Otto with the crowned heads of Europe , and especially with the kings of England and of France .
9 ‘ Anyway , ’ Yanto continued , ‘ Selwyn starts pulling out the bucket from under me .
10 ‘ Wizzo ! ’ he yelled , pulling out an assortment of much-loved and battered objects .
11 Questioned on the exact role of government in stimulating technological innovation and industrial growth , Roith pulls out a sheet of paper entitled the ‘ DoI 's cocktail ’ .
12 A small boy pulls out a piece of bread , rips off a chew and puts the bread safely back in his pocket .
13 Another day he was sent from Washington to a Chinese vegetable stand on the Lower West Side in Manhattan , where he was told to ask for a person with the code name ‘ Mooey ’ ; Mooey went behind the counter , rolled up his trouser-leg and pulled out a wad of hundred-dollar bills , which Owen thought ‘ I had better count anyways . ’
14 Nigger pulled out a wad of notes large enough to choke a horse , gave Knocker a pound note , and told him to keep the change .
15 ‘ I think , ’ Nathan 's voice had an odd rasp as he pulled out a wad of papers and dropped them on the table , ‘ you 'd better get some sleep .
16 Paul pulled out a roll of plans from the black plastic tube he was carrying .
17 She opened the bag , dipped in a hand and pulled out a slip of paper .
18 Half-way through the interview I reminded him of his claim , pulled out a sheet of paper on which I had written three true statements and three false ones , and putting it face down on the table , invited him to use the pendulum to indicate the correct answers .
19 Estabrook reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper .
20 He pulled out a folder from the top shelf .
21 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
22 When they 'd turned the comer , she pulled out a bottle of champagne from under her coat .
23 ‘ Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
24 She opened a claw and pulled out a sliver of succulent flesh .
25 She pulled out a notepad from her briefcase , opened the tape-recorder she had brought .
26 I had my trumpet case on my knee and half a carriage to myself , so I pulled out a paperback of Gore Vidal 's latest Essays and read the one where he thinks he gets confused with Anthony Burgess .
27 Had to sleep with both eyes open in case somebody pulled out a knife on him . ’
28 Arghatun was shouting at the warriors who were grouped around the clearing , and twenty or so ran at once to one of the carts and pulled out a mass of folded fabric .
29 He dug into his pocket and pulled out a stack of bills .
30 He pulled out a coin from his pocket and flipped it into the air .
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