Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The classic case is the famous opening scene of Le bourgeois gentilhomme , in which a hopelessly inept student , singing soprano , attempts to perform a languorous love song .
2 The port principally connected with this was Bristol , and it may have been the existence of surplus tonnage that led its seamen to turn their attention to new ventures in the fifteenth century , including both attempts to penetrate the Mediterranean trade and the later voyages into the Atlantic .
3 They may also partly explain the limited success of attempts to induce a full programme of T-cell development using either monolayer cultures of a single thymic stromal cell type , or cocktails of cytokines .
4 However , creditors or other claimants whose attempts to sue a subsidiary go unsatisfied remain unlikely to be able to probe behind the separate legal personality of the companies to challenge the parent .
5 The Diary 's attempts to arrange a late night drink with her ( ‘ she has to be home by 10.30 , ’ said her secretary , stealing 90 minutes on Cinderella ) were re-routed into breakfast at 8.15am .
6 The Human Relations movement of Mayo and his colleagues based on the Hawthorne Studies and Mayo 's wartime research into absenteeism and labour turnover , attempts to preserve a Taylorist division of labour through new forms of persuasion ( Clegg 1979 , pp. 132–7 ) .
7 However , while the process of electing a national president went smoothly , state party elections revealed high levels of factionalism within the BJP and led to the intervention of the central leadership in attempts to restore a greater semblance of unity to the party .
8 Attempts to restore the immune system are more likely to succeed if anti-viral therapy is used at the same time .
9 There have been attempts to estimate the economic cost of corporate crimes and render these in a meaningful fashion ( Bequai 1978 : 1 ; Clinard 1978 : 83–102 ; Conklin 1977 : 2–8 ; Geis 1975 : 95–7 ; Hills 1971 : 167–68 ; McCaghy 1976 : 205 ; President 's Task Force Report 1967 : 47–51 ; Stotland 1977:180–82 ) .
10 Declining fish numbers are threatening attempts to reintroduce the bald eagle , which used to breed in large numbers in the area until the 1950s .
11 The only constraint on attempts to acquire a larger budget is that it would cost more than the total value to the politicians of the service , the value of additional output being zero .
12 This book attempts to sustain a detailed analysis of the mass media based on the fruits of this cross-fertilization .
13 Any infringement of the owner 's exclusive rights will be resisted , and for this reason , if no other , attempts to provide a planned resolution of the conflict between farming and the environment will prove difficult .
14 Attempts to provide a similar scheme related to earnings , but as part of state provision , resulted in the 1975 Social Security Pension Act 1975 , which came into operation in 1978 .
15 Thus , attempts to provide a uniform level of social welfare in rural areas means centralisation of services in schooling , health and housing , which gives rise to migration away from isolated areas .
16 The first presents an overview of the main demographic trends in Britain during this century and attempts to provide a considered overview of these population changes .
17 It seeks to explore the effect of situation , ethnicity , life style and sex on the speech of these young people , and attempts to provide a theoretical framework for the analysis of psychological , sociological and grammatical determinants of code-switching behaviour .
18 Attempts to provide the necessary cohesion are made , for example , by the organisers of the international biennial conferences on continuum models of discrete systems .
19 Some early documentary photographers however , made serious attempts to provide an informed comment on some important aspect of society , which would also form a lasting account of the period .
20 We feel it is important that clinicians using ivalon are aware of this reaction , which might be a frequent occurrence especially when the operator attempts to plug the entire length of the biopsy tract in a patient with a coagulopathy .
21 Attempts to establish a comprehensive scheme to include more hymns and to cover all publishers have so far been unsuccessful .
22 Indeed , he regretted bitterly that his attempts to establish a sixth form in the school had been so abortive .
23 Previous attempts to establish a common tariff had foundered on the objections of the smaller CARICOM members , who feared that it would have a negative impact upon their economies .
24 The larger charities — which have recently formed a group known as Research for Health Charities to respond to criticism of the use of animals in experiments — also feel that Wolfson 's stand undermines their attempts to establish a united front .
25 Attempts to establish a British colony in Virginia had been made by Sir Walter Raleigh in the 1580s .
26 The Soviet contention that military bases in the Third World could generate dangerous East-West tensions was forcibly and unexpectedly underlined by the crisis initiated by Soviet attempts to establish a nuclear missile base on Cuban soil in 1962 .
27 Recognise that spelling has patterns , and begin to apply their knowledge of those patterns in their attempts to spell a wider range of words .
28 Its attempts to strangle the revolutionary movement at birth during May 1968 were consistent with the approach taken over the previous 30 years , including the immediate postwar period ( part I ) .
29 It is reasonable to associate a number of distinctive policies with the presence of Mrs Thatcher — the economic strategy , attempts to contain the public sector , toleration of high unemployment , reduction in the powers of trade unions , privatization , the vigorous prosecution of the war in the Falklands , the community charge , education reforms , change in the civil service , and Britain 's refusal to join the EMS .
30 These are not necessarily forces for continuity but they may act as barriers to government attempts to impose a new line of policy .
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