Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Coupled with attempts to provide compensation for the victims of crime , they represent an attractive package to a public deeply concerned with crime .
2 For many , the task of policing relaxed consents was a source of considerable professional embarrassment following their attempts to secure compliance with the former , stricter , standards .
3 He failed in three attempts to secure election to the Trades Union Congress 's parliamentary committee , but he represented the vellum binders at the foundation conference of the labour representation committee in February 1900 , and was elected to its executive .
4 Prior to their purchase of the building , the owner of the adjoining mill house had made two attempts to obtain permission from the local authority to change the use of the mill from industrial premises into a dwelling , but it was only with the current owners ' application of 1977 that planning permission for this change was granted .
5 Doubt and ambivalence are transmuted into clarity and certainty , and any attempt to reintroduce complexity into the debate is rejected as ‘ mere nitpicking ’ or ‘ a deliberate attempt to muddy the issue ’ .
6 The Far Eastern Economic Review reported on Sept. 28 that Myanma sources and diplomatic observers had dismissed these allegations as an attempt to discredit the NLD and as an attempt to bolster unity in the Army which had fought the insurgent CPB for many years .
7 At that time few attempts were made to measure the effectiveness of such activity , and advertising agencies tended to branch out into sales promotions with the aim of offering an all-inclusive package to their clients in an attempt to combat competition from the emerging sales promotion agencies .
8 RETURN_DETAIL/ — is a return parameter providing a report of the errors encountered during the attempt to grant/deny approval to the package .
9 These events were the culmination of a process which ended the attempt to accommodate localism into the political structure through very complex constitutional arrangements .
10 Former mayor Marion Barry , who had recently been convicted of cocaine possession [ see pp. 37647 ; 37769 ] , failed in his attempt to secure election to the city council , winning only 17 per cent of the vote .
11 This led to involvement in a wide range of speculative projects throughout Europe , North America , and the West Indies , and the huge resources at his disposal enabled him to embark on a vigorous attempt to secure control over the affairs of the East India Company .
12 Asked to comment on the Independent 's report that Libyan terrorists had put the bomb aboard Flight 103 by means of an unaccompanied bag sent from Malta , Aviv himself thought it was yet another attempt to distract attention from the truth .
13 Keith Pringle 's attempt to provide debate about the role of men in caring for damaged and vulnerable children ( ‘ Gender politics ’ , 4 March ) raised a number of interesting issues .
14 Some of the costs that were eventually allowed were costs incurred in conducting correspondence with a surety in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain payment of the mortgage debt i.e. non-litigation costs .
15 The prime target of their discontent was Serrano , for he had intervened with Franco in an attempt to obtain clemency for the Falangists involved in what Galarza and Varela were presenting as an attack on the Army as an institution .
16 Conflict was deferred by the attempt to reach agreement along the lines of ‘ Manchuria for Korea ’ ( Mankan kó0kan ) ( i.e. Manchuria for Russia and Korea for Japan ) , but the two countries eventually came to blows in 1904 over the failure of Russian troops to withdraw on schedule from Manchuria .
17 suggesting that it was a Communist-inspired attempt to reach agreement with the Liberals .
18 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
19 An attempt to regain control over the peasants ' movement
20 However , a report in the Jerusalem Post of June 21 claimed that Germany , at the behest of the USA had decided to withhold up to US$1,000 million in financing for Israel 's absorption effort in an attempt to halt settlement of the occupied territories .
21 According to the report , the USA was " pouring millions of dollars into north-western Cambodia " in an attempt to win support for the non-communist rebels ahead of any peace settlement .
22 In Iran they have cultural rights , but their attempt to win autonomy after the 1979 revolution was crushed by Iran 's Revolutionary Guards .
23 An attempt to avoid liability on the part of the seller for any representations given by him/her or on his/her behalf save for replies to enquiries given by the seller 's conveyancer and stating that the buyer proceeds entirely on the basis of the buyer 's own survey and inspection .
24 This new attempt to apply Marxism to the Latin American situation has sought little outside inspiration and , when it has done so , has turned to other Third World countries rather than to Moscow .
25 An attempt to paddle west along the north coast of Ronay towards more sheltered water was thwarted by the ebb tide ripping out , abetted by the mighty wind .
26 In a show of unity rarer than a dodo sighting , the US Big Six have issued a joint statement of position in an attempt to focus attention on the ‘ epidemic of litigation ’ that is beginning to threaten the very existence of many American firms .
27 It was a group which came together in 1972 in an attempt to focus attention on the severity and inconsistencies of sentences being given in the courts to loyalists charged with politically motivated offences in contrast to those being given to republicans .
28 For even though some attempt to give status to the ‘ community or home beat officer ’ has been made following Lord Scarman 's ( 1981 ) report on the Brixton riots which gave something of a ‘ slap on the wrist ’ to the service , the deference accorded to specialist posting or to detective work remains untouched .
29 A good illustration of this was the vain attempt to give priority to the " Cinderella " services such as mental illness and mental handicap throughout the 1960s and 1970s .
30 In an attempt to do justice to the complexity of opinions , the research comprises three parts : a national attitude survey , to determine the structure of attitudes at one point in time ; follow-up interviews with a small number of respondents to the national survey , in which the experience of using various welfare services is being explored in detail ; and the re-analysis of information from previous surveys on similar topics , to see whether attitudes have changed much in recent years .
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