Example sentences of "relate to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Douglas Hurd 's announcement on Friday that he will try to tighten up the law relating to the licensing of these parties should certainly address itself to that aspect of the problem .
2 The argument has been made that proportionality underlies decisions as diverse as those relating to the legitimacy of planning conditions or local transport policy , disciplinary actions or sex discrimination .
3 ( a ) Supervision Where a new office of a firm is opened , save as a separate department in close proximity to the main office , arrangements will need to be made to ensure compliance with r13 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 relating to the supervision of the office ( see Chapter 1 ) .
4 Increased klinorhynchy , which has been linked with most of the above characters in a single functional complex relating to the angle of hafting of the face to the cranium .
5 Although studying for her G.C.S.E. this year , Lea-anna has still maintained a high standard of play in competitions and county matches as well as finding time to study for her Gold Award and achieving an 85 per cent pass rate on questions relating to the Rules of Golf .
6 5.4 The Parties agree that the Lead Organization shall establish an Advisory Council which will take an overview of the Project from a national research perspective and advise the Project Committee on matters relating to the interests of the speech and natural language community .
7 He submitted that whilst it is relevant that the overall purpose and philosophy of the Convention should be borne in mind , nevertheless it is appropriate for the court to consider matters relating to the interests of the children .
8 The discretion was exercised by Booth J. She took into account various matters relating to the interests of the boys and concluded that she should not order their return to Australia .
9 Within this country there is no regulation relating to the standard of construction ( such as the National Fire Protection Association Code 96 as applied in America ) , but the use of a formed , folded and seam welded method of construction must always be considered as the only acceptable method of manufacturing a suitable product .
10 Finally , recommendations will be made relating to the selection of interviewees and the analysis of visitor surveys .
11 These were that the House would be inundated with appeals relating to the interpretation of statutes and that the House would not have the benefit of the careful consideration of the case before it went up to the House ( Drewry , 1973 ) .
12 It based itself in that connection on Brugnoni v. Cassa di Risparmio di Genova e Imperia ( Case 157/85 ) [ 1986 ] E.C.R. 2013 relating to the interpretation of article 2 of the Directive , which , in the Commission 's view , was not different in substance from article 1 .
13 The first draft provides guidance on the auditor 's responsibilities relating to the audit of figures from preceding periods which are required to be included in , and therefore form part of , the current financial statements .
14 Sections 2 and 3 reproduce guidance relating to the audit of investment businesses issued by the Board 's predecessor , the Auditing Practices Committee .
15 There is no power under the section to impose any other sorts of conditions , such as those relating to the sorts of implements that may be carried at the assembly , or as to the apparel that may be worn , although these may fall within the general law relating to the possession of offensive weapons or the wearing of uniforms .
16 The provisions which might be included in a partnership agreement relating to the ownership of partnership property are considered in more detail in Chapter 4 .
17 Nothing in this Policy or in any document thereon shall affect the right of any person indemnified by this Policy or of any other person to recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisions of the law of any territory in which the Policy operates relating to the insurance of liability to Third Parties .
18 Nothing in this Policy or in any Endorsement thereon shall affect the right of any person indemnified by this Policy or of any other person to recover an amount under or by virtue of the provisions of the law of any territory in which the Policy operates relating to the insurance of liability to Third Parties .
19 On an application the court may decide any question relating to the title of any person who is a party to the application whether the question arises between members or alleged members , or between members or alleged members on the one hand and the company on the other hand , and may decide ‘ any question necessary or expedient to be decided for rectification … . ’
20 The Government has set a target date of 1991 for the development of occupational standards relating to the majority of occupations in the UK .
21 The council has tried to collect the arrears by issuing final notices and summonses , and now holds distress warrants relating to the majority of accounts .
22 Offences relating to the operation of aircraft , ships , and railways have not been prominent in the practice of English criminal law .
23 Later the Children 's Panel Advisory Committee Chairman was informed about this alleged breach of provisions in the Social Work ( Scotland ) Act 1968 relating to the operation of the Children 's Panel .
24 Almost from the beginning , it was involved in hearing complaints relating to the operation of the ECSC .
25 In A. G. v. Guardian Newspapers ( No. 2 ) ( H.L. , 1988 ) it was accepted that the Crown had a right to attempt to restrain disclosure of confidential information relating to the operation of the security services but that they must establish that the disclosure was in some way damaging to the public interest .
26 In the course of time , the Coleman prize became awarded as a result of examinations posing pathological and practical subjects relating to the foot of the horse , the principles and practice of shoeing , the diseases of the horse 's eye , and the disease known as glanders .
27 IN YOUR JULY 91 issue of FlyPast you had an article entitled Gustav Airborne , relating to the rebuild of a Messerschmitt 109G , which included also a brief history of the aircraft .
28 Theoretical issues relating to the concept of attitudes will be considered in relation to an actual social issue — British attitudes towards the monarchy .
29 The extent of this immunity was stated most widely in Duncan v. Cammel Laird ( H. L. , 1942 ) , where a claim by the Admiralty that documents relating to the construction of a submarine should not be disclosed , was upheld .
30 On appeal by the taxpayers , the Appellate Committee having heard the appeal but before judgment referred it to an enlarged Appellate Committee to determine the question whether the existing exclusionary rule relating to the construction of statutes should be relaxed so as to enable Hansard to be consulted as an aid to construction : —
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