Example sentences of "relate [pers pn] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are problems with designating these as new phyla , not least that nobody can define a phylum objectively , and my own view is that , marvellous though these animals are , we should still try to relate them to other organisms ( fossil and living ) .
2 The idea , of course is not to elucidate dependent conditionals by relating them to causal statements and the like , but to do just the opposite .
3 Considering each of the quadrants in turn and relating them to various types of work , we arrive at the following conclusions .
4 Even here , however , the separate heading is worth preserving , since modern style-studies can and do content themselves with the mere description of distinctive linguistic patterns , abstaining not only from relating them to external factors such as authors or literary movements , but also from attributing to them any specific literary function .
5 They were , generally speaking , well informed about international politics and had a sceptical attitude to news ; they discussed their government 's internal policies and decrees , in particular relating them to different conceptions of government , freedom and justice : their talk of socialism , democracy , dictatorship was by no means purely theoretical .
6 The appraisal of staff in the context of development and motivation is concerned with managing individual perceptions and relating them to organisational needs .
7 It is important to take a wider view of social policy development relating it to economic policy .
8 Since the conventions offer an imperfect guide to the subject at hand , it is necessary to look at some of the other types of sources which are generally recognised as being useful in establishing what the law is , and in relating it to specific situations and technical developments .
9 He 'd then possibly forgotten these dreams or fantasies and then when the stimulus of feeling something on the back of his neck happened to him whilst asleep , suddenly the fantasy came back , all as a piece as it were , and it occurred to me that your dream about driving off viaducts might be caused by being asleep , having one of these falling experiences , then relating it to previous thoughts you 'd had , you know on the freeway or something , oh my God , how awful it would be if I , if I drove off that bend below , do you know what I mean ?
10 Some of them have posited underlying mechanisms of language change to account for this ; some have been more interested in relating it to social realities , treating language as a sort of cultural key rather than as a self-contained system with its own particular dynamic ; others have seen it as their main task to suggest linguistic reforms that will modify or eliminate offensive usages .
11 Nevertheless , there are many things about the Demoiselles that serve to relate it to other painting of the period and , more particularly , to the contemporary work of Matisse .
12 Although Pepper v. Hart is the initial formulation of the relaxed exclusionary rule , the ambiguities which it contains and the failure to relate it to other aids to statutory construction are perhaps less deserving of a welcome .
13 The Inland Revenue 's Tax Bulletin is helpful in that it gives the Revenue 's view on how it interprets the law and relates it to practical points .
14 The authors who began to write about rape and related it to male power , male supremacy and male sexuality , questioned what they saw to be the essentialist constructions of female sexuality which continued to predominate within the age of sexual revolution .
15 It is worthwhile , then , to explore what lessons may be drawn from the experiences of CMHTs and relate them to other areas of service .
16 We shall consider these changes in more detail in Chapter 6 , and relate them to spatial data by reference principally to female and part-time employees .
17 Firstly , a budget should be a planning document in that an organisation should clarify its goals and priorities in a forward looking way and relate them to available resources .
18 The present road and I do n't want to get into the detail of it but relate it to environmental costs against the so called benefits , would in fact cut right through there with a viaduct and it would actually start of on something like a twenty seven foot emba er a twenty seven foot high embankment and with a fifty four deep cutting .
19 A good simulation should be incorporated into a project and offer the opportunity to explore the subject from different angles , relate it to other subject areas and for extension work .
20 The teacher may also wish the software to offer the opportunity for extension work , to draw the subject being studied out further relate it to other subject areas , raise issues and add a new dime to the work e.g. the software on the economy allows pupils to skills of manipulating variables and such skills are cross-curricular Often the same course can be duplicated , to advantage , us microcomputer program .
21 The gallery has its lighter side to arouse the interests of children — the ‘ smellerama ’ to test their sense of smell and relate it to certain types of food , the ‘ food pyramid ’ to test their ability to build a healthy diet , and an ‘ aerobicycle ’ which will demonstrate the amount of exertion required to burn off a given number of calories .
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