Example sentences of "refer to [pron] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Although Preston still referred to it privately as the God slot , as he had indicated to Kate it made little or no reference to the Almighty .
2 They call us Les Rosbifs as it is ( as the English refer to them disparagingly as the frogs ) and may indeed wonder what the students intend to do Ermentrude .
3 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
4 They called the job crow-keeping , a phrase that Shakespeare used to describe it ; some called it bird-keeping or bird-tending — keeping the birds off the newly sown land — while others referred to it simply as rook-scaring .
5 She was to refer to them wryly as her ‘ yearly knitting ’ , but they are classics of their kind , deftly constructed with strong characterization and a meticulous prose style .
6 We shall be considering The Prelude as a poem at the appropriate point in the Critical Survey ; for the moment I propose to refer to it simply as evidence of Wordsworth 's internal struggles and preoccupations , as if it were a diary or a letter to a friend which just happens to be in verse .
7 Derrida 's reply did not take the form of a reasoned rebuttal but of ninety pages of verbal clowning , which put Searle in his place by referring to him throughout as ‘ Sarl ’ , an acronym for ‘ Societé à responsabilité limitée ’ , which means a limited company .
8 Perhaps he 'd been referring to someone else as well ?
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