Example sentences of "arrive with the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the gatehouse the milk float arrives with the daily delivery and Tim Tyier , the milkman who has served the Centre for many years , starts his rounds .
2 The punch I place on his chin arrives with the full weight of my body and jolts his head back as if it was on elastic .
3 Accompanied by his wife , whom he had married shortly before sailing , Johnson arrived with the first fleet and celebrated the first Anglican service under ‘ a great tree ’ at Sydney cove on 3 February 1788 .
4 Beuno arrived with the lengthening shadows , bearing a dead pheasant .
5 When Penry arrived with the promised drink he also brought a hot-water bottle .
6 The waiter arrived with the next course and they reverted to politics , talking Spanish again , Ward 's tone , his whole manner softened .
7 The waiter arrived with the red wine they had ordered , and Loretta took a decision .
8 The waiter arrived with the third bottle of Valpolicella and Urquhart poured himself a glass with the same relish as if it were his first .
9 There are 77 airlines at Heathrow and the Government expect them to act as immigration officials to ensure that people arrive with the right documentation .
10 Her main work was centred at a refuge for prostitutes and the women under her charge became used to the sight of her arriving with the latest member of her growing family in her arms .
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