Example sentences of "arrive at an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A. This argues that , since information arrives at an uneven rate , the observed distribution of futures price changes ( or returns ) will be a mixture of a number of normal distributions , and this observed distribution will be leptokurtic .
2 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
3 In contract Mr does not count hours , but arrives at an overall figure of seven thousand five hundred pounds .
4 David Livingstone arrives at an African village .
5 We arrived at an other dam around noon ; water was rushing over the huge rocks and it was too risky to try to paddle across so the canoes were lined across .
6 Night fell , and after walking a few more miles down country roads , they finally arrived at an old house standing alone by a river .
7 Eventually they arrived at an enormous kitchen .
8 We can not , therefore , feel surprised that Professor Coleman , beset by so many obstacles in that particular branch of our art , and having arrived at an advanced period of life , could not fling himself into its pursuit ; nor was it reasonable to expect it from him ’ .
9 It was the first time the monarch had ever used a Thames passenger ferry — and one of the few occasions when she had arrived at an official engagement by public transport in the UK .
10 More likely , we may suppose that we have not arrived at an exact specification of one or more of the ten .
11 Godwin also offered guidance on moral problems ; we must always look to the general good , calculate the consequences of the courses of action open to us , and arrive at an unbiased decision .
12 arrive at an accurate description of the actual use ,
13 However , the problems that we have considered mean that it is likely that we may miss the target and actually arrive at an unintended situation .
14 Well , MCPS have a team of Licence Negotiators whose job it is to negotiate between the producer and our member to arrive at an agreeable rate .
15 The first aim of the ESRC funded project is to complete the Gloucester database , to revise it as necessary in order to arrive at an optimum design for future use , and to publish the final version in the form of a book of statistical tables .
16 2 ) To arrive at an Arab settlement of the conflict under the auspices of the United Nations .
17 Describe the methods which could be used to arrive at an annual forecast of sales .
18 Good health resides in areas under more direct personal control , and those with time to investigate such matters as exercise and nutrition may be in a better position than a doctor to arrive at an accurate understanding .
19 what weight of importance to attach to each criterion to arrive at an overall assessment for each axis .
20 As a guide start by allowing four pleats to one fabric width of 120cm ( 48in ) , adjusting up as necessary , particularly with wider fabric , to arrive at an attractive balance of pleats and spacing .
21 And yet to the world at large he claimed to have conducted a most detailed investigation into the whole matter , sufficient to enable him to arrive at an informed judgement that British policy remained correct .
22 A climber jumps in his car , burns precious fossil fuels on a stretch of tarmac that has eaten acres of countryside to arrive at an undeveloped crag .
23 I have destroyed many pages and crossed out hundreds , no thousands , of words in order to arrive at an imaginative sympathy ( though not , of course , an explicit approval ) with Miller as he walks down this long , gently curving terrace of dilapidated Edwardian houses .
24 The aim of the research is to arrive at an interdisciplinary understanding of particular cases by intensive study over a period of time , using both flexible interviews and questionnaires ; and by the incorporation of survey data and through theoretical interpretation to generalise to wider organisational and occupational areas .
25 Furthermore , it is often possible to replicate the artefacts in order to test the hypotheses about a particular object , although in some cases several different technological methods might arrive at an identical end-product .
26 Instead scientists proceed iteratively , arriving at an alternative theory set on the basis of a restricted fact base , and then generating facts which are maximally likely to discriminate between theories .
27 He lumped together housing benefit , income support and unemployment benefit , arriving at an average benefit entitlement over the summer recess of £327 .
28 A period of protracted negotiation followed in late 1938 and early 1939 during which proposals and counter proposals were intensively discussed in and beyond formal meetings in attempts to resolve fundamental differences without arriving at an open breach in formal relationships .
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