Example sentences of "point to a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although survey data continues to point to a substantial majority of young people aspiring to home ownership , they are likely to remain outside the property market all the time prices continue to decline .
2 The very empathy ( charity in the broadest and best sense of the word ) with which he observes his characters seems to point to a better way forward .
3 If the criminal disposition were inherited then , ideally , we would be able to point to a specific chromosome which was invariably associated with criminal behaviour .
4 The evidence seems to point to a legal style which a number of royal servants were competent to use .
5 For Wolf was " the first to present a systematic description of the vast fabric that he called by the name of Altertumswissenschaft , to arrange and review its component parts and to point to a perfect knowledge of the many-sided life of the ancient Greeks and Romans as the final goal of the modern study of the ancient world .
6 Furthermore , the fact that so much violent crime is committed by the younger generation — the modern equivalent of the sons of the primal father — certainly seems to point to a fundamental failure in socialization or , in other words , in superego-formation .
7 In Denmark , opinion polls continue to point to a sizeable majority in favour of the revised treaty in the referendum on 18 May .
8 Pointing to a general perception among officials and councillors that the council tax must be made to succeed , Mr Broadfoot states : ‘ This new tax presents an opportunity to overcome the shortcomings of the community charge . ’
9 ‘ I like that one , ’ said Jay , pointing to a pagan woodland scene .
10 While pointing to a radical overhaul of economic relations from 1991 , with trade denominated in convertible currency , he denied that the Soviet Union would abandon or penalize Cuba if it did not follow Soviet-style reforms .
11 A small plastic sign fixed to the side of a building said ‘ SOUNDBACK STUDIOS ’ with an arrow pointing to a narrow alleyway .
12 undermine the argument of your opponent by : challenging h ! s assumptions disputing the facts of the argument attacking the conclusions of his argument pointing to a major inconsistency
13 The rejoinder to this is to accept that the counter is pointing to a real feature of academic thought , which is that the consensus of the relevant disciplinary community does indeed offer some measure of reliability and raises knowledge claims above mere whim ; but that does not in itself amount to a demonstration of the ‘ progress ’ of knowledge .
14 Therefore , additional evidence clearly pointing to a causal relation between H pylori infection and gastric ulcer disease has to be provided .
15 And his lawyers are pointing to a multi-national agreement on child abduction called the Hague Convention .
16 Like , if you came across some boys drinking in that driveway [ pointing to a small car park ] , like , first of all you 'd just say , ‘ Come on boys , you 'll have to move on , built-up area and all that . ’
17 ‘ Look , sir , ’ said Poole , pointing to a small table in the corner .
18 Them 's comin' after us , that 's wot ! ’ cried Barnabas , pointing to a small boat approaching rapidly from the shore .
19 This capability never excludes either a sign or a speech coding and with increasing attention results are pointing to a great division in the effects , with deaf people showing greater use of sign-based coding when responses are made in sign .
20 With the polls now pointing to a Labour minority government , the question of PR can no longer be treated as an academic abstraction .
21 ‘ This way to the wedding party , ’ it read , arrows pointing to a distant farmhouse .
22 Willie was pointing to a tiny shop down the small road they had just crossed .
23 Ravenhill saw the revelations of medicine and eugenics pointing to a greater role for women , not only as mothers but as guardians of those aesthetic qualities which made for physical , intellectual and moral progress .
24 I asked him , pointing to a grubby bit of brown paper .
25 ‘ That 's him ! ’ she said , pointing to a dark-haired child with a scowling face about to be struck by a huge hand coming from the top right-hand corner .
26 ‘ Is this him ? ’ she asked pointing to a sober gentleman in a bowler hat and pin-stripes coming towards us .
27 You must make sure that P% ( or O% ) is pointing to a free area of memory before your program begins assembly .
28 The two main parties are still neck and neck , pointing to a hung Parliament .
29 With opinion polls still pointing to a hung Parliament , he appealed to the electorate to ‘ wake up ’ , before it was too late , to the dangers posed by Scottish devolution and other proposed constitutional changes , including proportional representation .
30 Five out of six opinion polls yesterday showed Labour in the lead , pointing to a hung Parliament as the most likely outcome .
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