Example sentences of "point [adv prt] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The programme does not apportion blame , or claim a conclusive link , but it points up the lack of long-term monitoring on people working with the chemicals , and suggests warning labels on the products do not always make clear what type of protective clothing is suitable .
2 doctrine of original sin under the guise of a genetically determined bio-grammar of cultural values , by colleagues who would clearly like to think of themselves as hard-boiled scientific rationalists , both amusing and disconcerting ; but it points up the difficulties of the problem !
3 Nevertheless , the example points up the paradox of the advantage to the teacher of having to experience new learning alongside and in co-operation with the children , and yet at the same time having to be an expert in the subject .
4 The strength of neo-elitism is best seen against the background of pluralism ; as a critique of pluralism it introduces the concept of non-decision-making and points up the failure of pluralist methods to define properly what is meant by the term ‘ key issues ’ .
5 Since the story has a happy ending , Fallon points up the effectiveness of extra police manpower and resources funded by the government .
6 ‘ Full many a glorious morning ’ has been ruined and disgraced by ‘ the basest clouds ’ : They ‘ may ’ stain : the ambiguity of the verb ( ‘ it can happen ’ ; ‘ it is allowed ’ ) points up the ambivalence of feeling , for the poem is clearly another example of a strategy we have already found in the Mistress poems , an apparent exculpation which is in fact an indictment .
7 But it is possible to describe the commonalities between these feminist psychologies , in a way which points up the importance of the associative approach for feminist psychology in general .
8 It points up the importance of admissions , and suggests that the assessment of a course may ‘ wash back ’ on its content and aims .
9 Having done so much to point up the plight of blacks in the 1960s and 1970s , Ali reduced himself to little more than a comic figure in much the same way as Johnson had .
10 They may , indeed , wish to defend the particular concepts and ideas they hold , as Friedman might wish to defend his , and to point out the limitations of their critic 's own conventions , such as the conventions for ‘ self consciousness ’ developed by western schooling .
11 United Artists were tempted to point out the dangers of Communism and released Red Salute , which dealt with the growing appeal of Communism for student leaders .
12 Masters and Servants , an installation by Graham Tunnadine which involves an animated , talking hologram made by artificial intelligence pioneer Alan Turing in 1947 to point out the dangers of machine intelligence ( 14 Mar–12 Apr . ) .
13 The object of the present volume is : to indicate the character and approximately , the extent of the changes produced by human action in the physical condition of the globe we inhabit ; to point out the dangers of imprudence and the necessity of caution in all operations which , on a large scale , interfere with the spontaneous arrangements of the organic or the inorganic world ; to suggest the possibility and the importance of the restoration of disturbed harmonies and the material improvement of waste and exhausted regions ; and incidentally , to illustrate the doctrine , that man is , in both kind and degree , a power of a higher order than any of the other forms of animated life , which , like him , are nourished at the table of bounteous nature .
14 Critics of Indian prisons have continued for years to point out the incongruity of attempting to run an avowedly ‘ correctional ’ prison system with structures , rules and physical conditions created for quite different purposes .
15 Students , feeling it their duty to point out the shortcomings of policies and personalities in Chinese politics , exercised their traditional custom of remonstrating several times throughout Deng 's decade of reform .
16 Talking exclusively to the NME about the background to the song , songwriter Tim London said : ‘ Claire 's Kitchen ’ is based on an interesting rumour , but is really there to point out the hypocrisy of a political party that has championed so-called family values , whilst indulging in the biggest spate of shagging around since The Beatles .
17 Thersites has a duty in the play : to point out the egotism of the warriors , and the reality behind their ‘ valiant ’ exteriors .
18 I needed you to point out the facts of life . ’
19 I was able not only to point out the inconsistencies of the so-called ‘ voluntary agreements ’ but also to the confusion in the ranks of the tobacco industry .
20 It is , indeed , a great deal easier to point out the irrelevance of much of what is happening at the moment than to have confidence in any particular alternative .
21 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
22 Women could also show their resentment of medical attitudes in popular anti-medical movements such as the contagious diseases agitation , the anti-vivisection league movement and the anti-compulsory vaccination struggle ; and feminists were easily able to point out the inadequacies of the myth of intrinsic female weakness .
23 Yet such a comment may need to be made , nevertheless , to point out the quality of a picture .
24 It is an extreme example Mr , trying to point out the sorts of problems that arise in relation to policies which say more than they mean .
25 Even when Alexia , who remained a young woman even as her hair silvered , tried to point out the strengths of his pieces he mentally tuned out .
26 With Swoon 's poised black-and-white images , which blend low-budget experiment , MTV edits and archive footage , they take that myth apart with remarkable assurance , pointing out the effects of sexual intolerance and the way Leopold and Loeb were scapegoated , but also showing how the crime was part of the sexual power play of their relationship .
27 I have just read the article in November 's Today 's Horse on gadgets by Carolyn Henderson and I would like to say that in my opinion she has done a very good job pointing out the dangers of people with their own horses who resort to gadgets to get an outline and not to time and schooling .
28 Shulamith Firestone undoubtedly did everyone a great service by vigorously extending this notion to women , and pointing out the absurdity of men 's viewing themselves as totally detached individuals in relation to the rest of society , while still expecting to go home to a wife who would always have their dinner hot for them in the evening .
29 Self , in pointing out the difficulties of building political theory on the basis of the assumption that man is exclusively egoistic , finds Niskanen 's theory to be ‘ empirically false on each main point ’ .
30 After bluntly pointing out the shortcomings of the existing system , the Royal Commission recommended a restructuring in which the criminal and civil work of the High Court would be separated .
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