Example sentences of "plan [prep] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Owner of several Felixes himself , he plans in the next year or two to publish the player 's illustrated scrapbooks for the 1851 and 1852 seasons : ‘ They were intended for publication and are a remarkable social document , ’ he says .
2 The national conference which since late 1991 had been planned as the next stage in the democratization process , was on May 8 postponed until later in the year on the grounds that its preparatory commission had not completed its work .
3 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
4 Further investment for additional backing plant driers is planned for the next stage , as Lyle becomes one of the most up-to-date tufting companies in the business .
5 The pub has been largely unchanged for 100 years but owners Bass took advantage of development planned in the next door antiques market to announce a drastic redevelopment .
6 AMERICA 'S utilities have enough capacity , either on line or planned in the next decade , to accommodate 40 million electric vehicles .
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