Example sentences of "catch in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Herefordshire were the team to catch in the Eastern Division by winning their first two matches — just .
2 He was about four feet away when his foot caught in the electric flex he was dragging and he stumbled forward off balance .
3 That summer , scoop necks and arms bare to the shoulders were what every woman wore , with hair loose , or caught in a gleaming beehive .
4 Such people , caught in a strange web of masochism , find their emotional fulfilment not in acts of love but in being made to scrub kitchen floors or scour out pans .
5 Science and The Church are caught in a bloody feud dating back to the 14th century .
6 A decade after the end of the first post-war period in Britain ( that is , during the sharp oil price rise mentioned above ) social mobility was characterized both by heightening opportunities of rising socially , as well as increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral — particularly for those of working-class origin , who are among those who most easily fall prey to recruitment into the underclass .
7 Like everyone else 's in this period , his life became one of monotony and anxiety , caught in a middle period when pre-war life seemed unreal and post-war life unimaginable .
8 Fairbrother was another Kumble victim , skying a catch to mid-off to be sixth out and playing the shot of a man fed up with being the last recognised batsman caught in a hopeless position .
9 She had n't expected him to be simply standing there , watching her , and her breath caught in a small gasp as she almost collided with him .
10 The other way is that commercial banks are themselves caught in a vicious squeeze .
11 This raises the possibility that OS/2 — and , with it , IBM 's partnership with Microsoft — will get caught in a vicious circle , much like DOS got caught in a virtuous one .
12 Zambia became caught in a vicious circle because the mining industry is also heavily dependent on increasingly expensive imports , so that over time , output , investment and productivity fell .
13 They were caught in a vicious circle : in low-paid jobs because they were women , while the jobs were low-paid because women did them .
14 At the same time rural transport has been caught in a vicious circle of declining demand and rising fares which not even the provision of subsidies has been able to break .
15 But it can be assumed that many millions of poor rural women are caught in a vicious cycle : they eat food to get human energy , and then spend all this energy in producing food and collecting the energy needed to cook it .
16 She knew she was caught in a vicious trap , sliding down a slippery spiral .
17 Pressure groups for the older persons were caught in a similar dilemma .
18 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
19 They 'd said he 'd been caught in a heliborne ambush and killed in hand to hand combat by a malai captain .
20 But the best of the lot is the tiny chip of violet nail polish we found caught in a torn portion of the table-cloth . ’
21 Glaring at him , her eyes washed with impotent tears , she tried to push past him , only to be caught in a punishing grip .
22 It was an AIDS benefit and I was caught in a private moment .
23 The aid worker caught in a civil war .
24 In the late 1980s it has seemed that social workers and their agencies have been caught in a political crossfire between being criticized on the one hand for allowing some children to suffer unnecessarily , sometimes to the point of death , at the hands of their parent(s) or guardian(s) , and on the other hand of intervening unwarrantably into other families and removing their children inappropriately .
25 Yellow eels have been caught in a Scandinavian estuary , tagged and released in another over a hundred miles away .
26 This included a man who needed emergency treatment after his hand was caught in a crushing machine at the Unique Packaging firm in Abingdon .
27 Next moment she was caught in a strong arm , a hand coming over her mouth .
28 The legionnaire sees himself caught in a never-ending cycle of darkness and despair , until the day when he will be liberated through atonement of his past crimes .
29 Here , perhaps , green consumerism can try to get us to eat tuna that has been caught in a wildlife-friendly way !
30 She stood up and raised her hand , but before she could slap him roundly on his face she felt her wrist caught in a vice-like grip .
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