Example sentences of "ensure that [adj] [noun pl] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Not only manufacturers are involved ; retailers must ensure that appropriate labels are displayed , and records of furniture supplied must be retained for 5 years and be available for inspection by the Trading Standards Office .
2 Regular visits from LCCI verifiers will ensure that consistent standards are maintained .
3 ‘ the profession must ensure that sole practices are protected against its short comings and sole practitioners should support the new proposals for their own professional and business survival ’ .
4 It will also ensure that economic farmers are enabled to compete throughout the world .
5 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
6 Thus , the very nature of the demands made upon the state by the capitalist system leads to a form of the state that can not necessarily ensure that capitalist interests are furthered .
7 We must ensure that such movements are not given the opportunity to develop in our own country .
8 Will he encourage all local authorities to ensure that people pay their bills promptly and will he ensure that future charges are reduced when that money comes into council coffers ?
9 A national in-service training programme will ensure that all teachers are fully qualified in the subject they are teaching .
10 Government purchasing power should also ensure that all ingredients are better quality , healthier and fresher .
11 The Careers Service has considerable expertise and experience of local firms ; it will ensure that all offers are made in good faith , and that the jobs are worthwhile .
12 Its data-holding potential allows it to be used to help ensure that all pupils are involved in the game as well as the traditional competitive classroom activity , testing .
13 Less-damaging coolants than CFCs are being developed , and an international agreement signed in June 1990 will ensure that all CFCs are progressively phased out over the next few years .
14 This draft response indicates which DTAC responses he has taken into account , and any member whose DTAC 's response has arrived late or has been omitted for some other reason can ensure that relevant points are not missed .
15 To establish whether or not a claim submitted by a contractor is valid , and to dispute it successfully if it is not , the client must ensure that accurate records are kept on his of her behalf .
16 Its aim , according to Vice-President Al Gore , is to " ensure that environmental considerations are brought to bear at the earliest stages in the development of economic policy " .
17 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
18 Will he ensure that parliamentary questions are listed by Department , and consider any other reforms that Hon. Members suggest , rather than destroying a vast amount of Amazonian forest each day ?
19 Will he ensure that sufficient facilities are made available north of Manchester and Liverpool to allow people and freight to be carried on the trains ?
20 Middle management , typically heads of departments , will ensure that these policies are carried out and will act upon those conditions that veer from this norm ( exceptional conditions ) .
21 The Council shall ensure that these principles are complied with .
22 Labour will ensure that these services are in place before patients who will benefit from life in the community are transferred out of long-term hospital care .
23 Whilst boards of directors may delegate the day to day conduct of an offer to individual directors or committees of directors , the board as a whole must ensure that proper arrangements are in place to enable it to monitor that conduct in order that each director may fulfil that responsibility .
24 How can we ensure that Compact jobs are of high quality and involve worthwhile training ?
25 Just to reassure you that a sensible eating plan will ensure that adequate nutrients are derived from the food , here is a brief outline of the topic .
26 This Government will ensure that discriminatory taxes are not imposed on that industry by our friends in Europe , because it is a vital British interest .
27 We will also use our presidency to help ensure that poorer countries are not disadvantaged as a result of the Single Market .
28 We will ensure that commercial borrowers are entitled to a full contract specifying the terms , conditions and duration of the services provided .
29 We will ensure that unfair terms are excluded and will discourage investment to protect in-house services when better , more cost effective services are available through the private sector .
30 We will ensure that British values are paramount .
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