Example sentences of "present [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most Russian historians have presented the Russian occupation of Siberia as a culturally progressive phenomenon , and have shown the way of life of the native peoples in a negative light .
2 This document has not been translated into Dutch , but I imagine that , had it been , extracts such as the one quoted above would have presented the Dutch translator with a problem ( bearing in mind that the above is only a short extract and that a similar pattern of thematic development runs throughout the Foreword ) .
3 One leading search consultant described how he had once mistakenly presented the wrong candidate for a job .
4 In May 1701 five Kentish gentlemen , probably with the encouragement of the Whig Junto , had presented the Tory House of Commons with a petition from the freeholders and grand jury at the Maidstone Quarter Sessions demanding war against France .
5 Can I present the Norman Invasion of 1066 to this group of Bengali children ?
6 A sub-contractor who holds an I , S or P certificate must present the actual certificate to the builder for inspection .
7 In this period of evangelism Christian communicators must ask themselves how the media can most appropriately present the Good News of the Gospel .
8 I shall present the following notions in turn :
9 Dementia is a complex state and not every person who experiences the disease will present the complete spectrum of symptoms .
10 Most writers of the blueprint books of that time certainly did present the would-be solvers of their puzzles with little more than cut-out figures labelled " Millionaire " , " Unfaithful Wife , " " Devoted Secretary " , although of course the better writers of the time were far from such crudities .
11 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
12 What a locked-room mystery this would present the old girl with , if he could get in without her hearing him , and get undressed and slide in beside her !
13 1994 will present the British Government with a crucial negotiating opportunity to negotiate this discrimination .
14 Traditionally the two organisations have presented a unified face to the world , but the mask slipped a little last week at the Snape Maltings , where the Sizewell inquiry ends five weeks in session this week .
15 The University has now presented a new petition to the Court of Sessions which informs the Trustees of the will which governs the Torre Bequest ( including a work by Ruysdael and a sculpture by Adriaen de Vries ) that their rights over the collection are to be removed .
16 Geroch ( 1971 ) has presented a general technique for generating solutions of Einstein 's source-free equations from known solutions which possess a Killing vector .
17 Presented a logical basis for the make or buy decision .
18 These outbreaks of disorder have presented a major challenge to the Thatcher Government 's image as the guardian of public order .
19 The women 's movement has presented a major challenge to these assumptions , but the law , the media , the social services , education and many other facets of the state continue to reinforce this pervasive ideology .
20 The sites now considered to illustrate undefended settlements have been chosen at random since it would have required much research and fieldwork to have presented a comprehensive list in time for this Conference ; attention is merely drawn to a number of sites with the hope that they , and others like them may be studied in more detail by local efforts .
21 Sands have presented a special Book of Rememberance to the maternity unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford …
22 Presented a simplified model of company financial structure .
23 Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry .
24 Hamas had campaigned on a " rejectionist " ticket , but the PLO-affiliated " rejectionist " groups had presented a united front with al-Fatah in opposition to Hamas .
25 The League had presented a full programme to the Labour Party Conference at Southport , intended to increase the socialist elements in the official Socialism and the Condition of the People .
26 But with clear conceptions distinctly presented a metaphysical consistency in the characters and their conduct , and considerable power in the execution , the whole is unnatural , and only critically interesting .
27 This article has presented a short review of the available literature on the effects of exercise during pregnancy .
28 So far we have presented a pessimistic view about decision making — that incrementalism is adopted as a decision-making technique because of the impossibility of the rational model .
29 Another scientist , Stephen Kaplan , basing his work on that of earlier researchers , has presented a different version of the same idea .
30 In the following pages , I shall first present a broad picture of the Indian prison population and the institutions in which it is held .
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