Example sentences of "pick up [art] small [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When I had left your house , I had picked up a small bag .
2 She walked over to the pond and bent to pick up a small pebble , skimming it across the glittering water , watching the way it bounced , then sank , leaving behind it only ripples .
3 Do not pick up a small fish in your finger and thumb , as you can squeeze it and cause it injury .
4 At the appointed time Venturous ' was in position near Nieuport just outside the three mile territorial limit and in due course picked up a small craft leaving the Belgian port .
5 Tumbleweed poked about with a stick and then picked up a small bundle wrapped in a piece of black plastic bin-liner .
6 And eventually in exasperation the bird flew a short way down the beach and picked up a small stone in its beak and then it returned and it bashed the shell repeatedly until it cracked it open and it was able to get at the contents inside .
7 Joseph picked up a small parcel and walked down the length of the shop to hand it to Patrick .
8 John , rooting around near the tree on the window seat , picked up a small package .
9 The man picked up a small portmanteau that had been hidden in shadow by the rail , and with one last sweeping look across the quay , climbed on to the gangplank .
10 She picked up a small piece of paper lying beside her and began turning it over and over in her fingers .
11 She picked up a small statuette which he had n't been aware of before .
12 Quiss picked up the small attendant by the front of its cloak and brought its blank face up to his own , scraping the creature 's green boots over the surface of the draining board with a rattling noise .
13 He stood and picked up the small bowl he had brought , walking through to her bathroom to empty it .
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