Example sentences of "knowledge and [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In other words , in each image Picasso synthesizes information obtained from viewing the subject from various angles , and , relying on his knowledge and memory of the structure of the human figure , he gives a complete and detailed analysis of the nature of the forms that compose it .
2 He attached himself to the Sussex magnate Thomas Sackville , then Lord Buckhurst and later lord treasurer and first Earl of Dorset [ q.v. ] , who in 1594 recommended him to act as deputy to John Parker in a Chancery post as ‘ of honest sort and behaviour , of such good knowledge and skill for the discharge of such a place , and withall having so good means and ability to live ’ .
3 Knowledge and skills are the tools that enable clients to become more able to do this — and the interviewer 's task is to use and share their own knowledge and skill with the clients .
4 Lawyers are seen to create the circumstances under which their knowledge and skill are needed whereas doctors are seen to use their knowledge and skill against the natural enemy .
5 Believe me , the CIA , the KGB , Mossad , MI6 are all a lot of coarse novices relying on schoolboy cruelties and inaccurate hearsay compared to the knowledge and sophistication of the hareem information system .
6 to afford to members of the public opportunities to enter any land occupied or managed by the Board for the purposes of gaining knowledge and enjoyment from the Board 's collections .
7 to afford to members of the public opportunities to enter any land occupied or managed by the Board for the purposes of gaining knowledge and enjoyment from the Board 's collections .
8 Finally , 42 of the Nazis ( 69 per cent of the ‘ sample ’ ) provided responses which could be classed as ‘ indifference of conscience ’ , and pointed to disinterest or internal suppression of knowledge and responsibility for the fate of the Jews .
9 ( a ) which highlights what you believe to be the principal findings , usually in rank order of importance to you , or to the organization under investigation ; and ( b ) which interprets your findings and discusses their meaning and significance in the light of your prior knowledge and reading of the relevant literature .
10 Okosan Securities , one of Japan 's 10 largest securities companies , has declared that it is considering tying up with a London-based company to take advantage of its knowledge and expertise in the specialised area of offshore investment .
11 The targets will affect staff development plans , whether it be to increase knowledge and expertise in the area in question , or simply to provide time to consider issues in a way which will lead the school forward .
12 You should add your own questions to ascertain the candidate 's technical knowledge and expertise in the field in which you are dealing .
13 This is not to set themselves up as nutritionists or as medical experts — but to use the knowledge available to them from every quarter sensibly , and to ensure that others are using their knowledge and expertise in the best interests of the counsellee .
14 In addition to their knowledge and expertise in the activities for which they are currently employed , many have additional relevant experience ( botanical , geological , horticultural ) gained from previous employ or personal endeavour .
15 His knowledge and expertise in the field of plastic surgery was recognised by the British and overseas medical community .
16 Where appropriate , MAS would draw upon the local knowledge and resources of the KPMG International Network , which is represented by acquisition specialists in each country in Europe .
17 The results of a fifteen month study carried out in Utah , USA ( 1991 ) found no evidence that the introduction of warning labels on drinks packaging had affected knowledge and perceptions of the nature of alcohol .
18 The whole process has been carried out with the full knowledge and support of the Essex Cricket Association and Essex County Cricket Club .
19 Lastly we looked at the way in which the form of words is affected by the sender 's knowledge and idea of the receiver 's knowledge .
20 No level of belief or un-belief in God is assumed ; the purpose is clarification and enabling pupils to enter into the debate , at their own level , from a basis of developing knowledge and awareness of the complexity of thinking about God .
21 The formal relationships outlined above need to be complemented by an appreciation of informal linkages , such as the sharing of knowledge and experience through the regional branches of professional associations .
22 Lotus managing director Peter Collins said : ‘ Lotus has made significant progress in 1993 and Mugen-Honda has a wealth of knowledge and experience with the V10 concept , which is currently the optimal configuration . ’
23 To write a really successful ‘ introduction ’ to a subject like modern international law , demands a quite unusually catholic and thorough knowledge and experience of the whole subject .
24 The Conference 's working assumption was that all incursions from Lagos were to be resisted ; the reason invariably given was that only the Residents had enough knowledge and experience of the mysteries of Indirect Rule to be entrusted with its execution .
25 An investigation of this kind requires knowledge and experience of the technical aspects and considerable organisational capability .
26 In such cases the knowledge and experience of the Royal Armaments Research Development Establishment ( RARDE ) at Woolwich still provides the best chemical and physical analysis of suspect material recovered from the wreckage .
27 Ever since the opening of this exclusive holiday complex in 1970 , Citalia has enjoyed a very special relationship with the Forte Hotel Village , ensuring that now , over 20 years on , no other tour operator has the same knowledge and experience of the Village as we do .
28 Computers do not have the knowledge and experience of the average human reader , so for them to cope with the ambiguities shown above they need to have access to repositories of the different sorts of knowledge .
29 opportunities are lacking for colleagues to develop their knowledge and experience of the languages taught in terms of linguistic , cultural or literary studies
30 Not only will the German and French teachers themselves benefit , in their increased command of English and knowledge of British life and institutions ( as large numbers of British teachers of German benefited who worked in German schools during the seventies , when Germany had a teacher shortage ) but they will bring their great asset of native-speaker fluency and intimate knowledge and experience of the foreign country to foreign language classrooms that are increasingly practical and communicative .
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