Example sentences of "plant that [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Like plants that jostle for a bare minimum of soil and light , human beings would eventually fill all the available territory , he warned .
2 There are several foliage plants that thrive in a window box , given the correct amount of loving care — such as watering them regularly !
3 ANDREW SMITH 'S TIP : When keeping any bubble-nesting Anabantoid , it is good practice to include floating plants and plants that reach to the surface to provide hiding places and nest sites .
4 Choose a larger tank to house these fish and have it well planted with plants that reach to the water surface .
5 Other quick-growing plants are tomatoes and runner beans , but these plants that mature in the autumn are not really suitable for schools that have a long August holiday , as continuity is lost , even if help is available to care for the plants .
6 The rare gases take very little part in life 's processes ; and we need not discuss water vapour at too great length , even though many desert animals and plants , and some epiphytes ( plants that grow on the surface of other plants ) derive much or most of their water from water that floats to them on the air .
7 Seal Sands is also an important staging post on the migration route of at least 11 species of waders , including the knot and redshank , which feed on the plants that grow on the marshes .
8 The animals and plants that live in the deserts are all adapted to cope with extreme heat and extreme aridity , and also with discontinuity .
9 The units are the many individual plants that occur in every community , whether this be a beech-forest , a meadow , or a heath .
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