Example sentences of "place [pn reflx] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There could be no doubt that by competing with the plaintiffs both as regards supplies and customers he had placed himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interest and duty .
2 The defendant had placed himself in a position where his duty and interest conflicted even though both the employee and client appear to have had no intention of remaining with the plaintiff .
3 He should have placed himself in the middle between Laura and Maggie he thought .
4 ‘ The Master took them quietly from his person and told him such things were not allowed to be introduced into the workhouse , he then placed himself in a fighting attitude and threatened to knock the Master 's teeth down his throat , thereby setting bad examples to others ’
5 Wycliffe and Curtis sat in the stern while Smith placed himself in the lee of the fo'c'sle on a little tip-up seat by the wheel .
6 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
7 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal , was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
8 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
9 Now , in accepting Tully 's offer , the defendant was not protecting his master 's interests … [ he ] was placing himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interests between him and his principal and he was looking after his own interests to the detriment of his master 's interests .
10 In his memoirs , Wilson makes no bones of placing himself in the line of succession of Baldwin , Churchill and Macmillan .
11 If Burun 's refusal to place himself in a position of prominence by acting as Artai 's proposer was a subterfuge to disclaim his influence , then it was apparent that none of the Khans recognised it .
12 The most is the invocation to light in book three , in which Milton speaks out of his blindness , uses that to place himself in a tradition , and again without foregoing his intensity of personal involvement .
13 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
14 As she reached the bottom of the stairs , Araminta herself waylaid her , coming out of the shadows to place herself in the companion 's way .
15 The situation arising from this all-too-common attitude was as follows : in the evening she was placing herself in a situation of maximum temptation as far as diet-breaking was concerned with time on her hands and food and drink all too readily available .
16 I did n't want to place myself in the hands of someone who might insist on more than I was prepared to give .
17 The plaintiff then instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming damages for their breach of duty in failing to disclose material information to him and placing themselves in a position where their duties and interests conflicted .
18 Therefore , in order to avoid panic attacks , they stop placing themselves in the situations in which they had previously experienced these feelings .
19 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
20 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
21 An officer who was not himself thus inclined complained that his predecessor ( and friend ) had ‘ considered that the man in charge of the northern area of Masailand should place himself in an atmosphere of utter discomfort ; in short should become a wild man of the west and suffer privations of all kinds .
22 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
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