Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 In the mornings I used to sit out in the warm sun of our terrace and read the travellers ' descriptions of the Delhi they knew from their visits at the very apex of the Mughal Empire .
2 Was there a lot of erm drinking used to go on in the , in the , in the area at the time ?
3 And then they used to put them in er er small boxes out in the field and er I used to go round in the woodlands and cut some you see , put them in the ground with a small branch on them and then we used to make some string and loops out of erm wire to go round their feet you see .
4 When we used to go out in the street , I would be on one side of the matron holding her arm , my sister on the other side doing the same .
5 You used to go out in the in the wash-house and wash yourselves , under the cold water tap .
6 They used to go out in the morning to these houses , then they 'd give a performance on the sands .
7 He used to go out in the air raids and watch the anti aircraft shells bursting in the sky because he said they looked like beautiful flowers .
8 Well , people that I spoke to , spoken to from Cardiff , they they originally got involved because one of the lads used to work up in the factory , the chairman of their labour club , and after that I do n't , politically you know it started off completely non political , but after a while people latched on to it as a dispute that could be won , and you know that would be one up for the workers and the country .
9 I can never forget how he used to come over in the evening from Bembridge School to sit with me after my son died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-seven , only eight months after his marriage .
10 Erm , but there are other organizations as well erm and er you see Nat West , you know you remember the man with the wings who used to walk round in the advert ?
11 They used to pop up in the morning when it was a bit cooler and damper and then flatten out in the afternoon when the temperature got up .
12 ‘ I used to mess about in the third and fourth forms , but now I do n't …
13 How 're yuh gon na keep'em down on the farm , after they 've seen Paree , they used to sing back in the 1920s .
14 She used to wake up in the morning they were red raw both of them !
15 Oh yeah often used to get up in the morning and look out of the bedroom window and see a pheasant in the back garden
16 She used to get up in the morning , every Tuesday and Friday and catch the half past seven bus , from to Nottingham and another bus down to Boulevard , to Miss 's , do a day 's skivvying and come back again , and then do her ironing and so forth , at night-time .
17 When my sister was a baby he used to get up in the night to see her .
18 I used to do that , I used to get up in the morning and they were fucking gone , she had them on her fucking arse .
19 we used to have nets and nets of oranges and we used to get up in the morning and just squeeze them
20 they were on about that they ship them abroad and th , they were interviewing a lad in London he said oh , he used to get up in the morning and er go down to the phone box and phone this contact they know and he 'd tell you what cars you wanted pinching this day and they pinch them to order !
21 And not nearly as much as we used to get back in the good old days , when alien abductions were all the rage .
22 involve me I used to get out in the morning , get up in the morning and be down there at six , see how many ships and see how many what I want , so many dockers on each ship , sometimes they 'd want say six , sometimes eight .
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