Example sentences of "used [prep] [be] at the " in BNC.

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1 On a Saturday night , there used to be at the bottom of Scotland Road — Byrom Street — all the Irishmen .
2 To begin with there must be detailed analyses of small and intermediate-size LOCA 's as well as the large double ended breaks that used to be at the centre of safety analyses and formed the so-called ‘ design basis ’ accident .
3 We all used to be at the desk — four of us , plus Roy Thomas-Baker and Mike Stone — all six of us with fingers on the faders and sometimes we 'd work thirty-hour mixes !
4 And er get and then strip this er at the side , cos a girl used to be at the front to strip all this here lace of these here pins .
5 Oh no they were based in the town , at buildings , used to be at the buildings .
6 Mrs Strange used to be at the piano when Seven Towers sang and now that she is stepping up to the rostrum , Kathryn , daughter of bass singer and choir secretary Jack Clarke , is replacing her .
7 Saddest export a convoy of lorries begins the long journey to China and , inset , the furnace as it used to be at the height of production Picture : VIC CLEVELEY
8 You know , once when I was in Wembley like , another thing that I 've noticed that changed in our place at Wembley , like every time I used to go in there , all , well , when I used to be in there , like , all the lads would be in the office with her like talking to her , and laughing and smiling and and she used to be at the desk smiling and everything and now , when I walk in there now it 's only me like on a Saturday , and it 's only her like nobody else is in there with her , she 's al , she always she 's got , I think what 's happened is she got too deep into her work that she 's she just seems to take all her work now and that .
9 Aye she used to be at the bank
10 He used to be at the Cathedral at rehearsals and growl if some things were out of tune .
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