Example sentences of "end [adv prt] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Disappointment was also the reaction of Sealink British Ferries , whose parent company Sea Containers is currently fighting a $1.036 billion bid from Temple Holdings which would involve the UK ferry business ending up in Swedish hands if it succeeds .
2 This does not reflect a radical social openness or free circulation of agents between social positions , since the offspring of the higher occupational grades still have a much greater relative chance of ending up in those grades than people from lower occupational backgrounds , but all the same it represents de facto social mobility on a large scale .
3 In most of these countries there 's now a price tag on these toys cum- objets d'art and they are even ending up in rarefied art galleries .
4 In our movie a brute of a German called Otto is killed ( sort of accidentally ) and ends up in two suitcases .
5 Often it is girls from already deprived backgrounds who end up in such circumstances , and who are less able to cope on their own .
6 Why is it that marriage should be a relationship of such potential closeness , joy and fulfilment , and yet for so many end up in such unhappiness and hurt ?
7 The scattered waves starting at the unit cell that end up in fractional-order beam positions can be ordered into two groups .
8 ‘ I suppose that you will be gracious enough first to tell me how you arrived here , and secondly to allow me to take you home before you end up in another alley .
9 These can be categorised as design but more often end up in local history museums or museums of childhood which occupy a lower status in the museum hierarchy .
10 They nearly always end up in local government or the probation service .
11 This theory seems to me the most sophisticated method at present available of conceiving the relationship between musical forms and practices , on the one hand , and class interests and social structure , on the other ; more sophisticated , say , than the theories of homology put forward by some ethnomusicologists and subcultural theorists , which suggest the existence of structural ‘ resonances ’ , or homologies , between the different elements making up a socio-cultural whole. ; Such theories always end up in some kind of reductionism — ‘ upwards ’ , into an idealist cultural spirit , ‘ downwards ’ , into economism , sociologism or technologism , or by ‘ circumnavigation ’ , in a functionalist holism .
12 Extrinsic arguments end up in intrinsic concepts .
13 ‘ Pay back when possible , boychik , and do n't ever tell the missus or we both end up in big trouble . ’
14 You 've been brought up in a television age and you 've been particularly been brought up in an age of card cartoons and soap operas and in all of those you would er expect to see good being oppressed that 's part of the plot in every cartoon there is a plot in every soap opera , that the good the good people actually end up in difficult situations and the way that results in the cartoons and in the soap operas is usually find revenge or punishment .
15 He feared it might end up in deep humiliation .
16 Well she does n't necessarily end up in general practice does she ?
17 The best-selling book that will end up in 400,000 Christmas stockings this week was the brainchild of Guinness chief executive Sir Hugh Beaver and first published in 1955 , a time when the brewery owned 84,382 pubs in Britain .
18 Unless some of those cripples get well we may end up in midtable anonymity by May .
19 FG : How did you end up in this building ?
20 How did you end up in public relations , Mr Lorton ?
21 As stated above , if an individual bank creates loans , some of the new deposits will end up in different banks .
22 My fourth point is that some of you may be persuaded to regard as a good reason for non-intervention the fact that the child , if it survives , will so disrupt its parents ' lives as to destroy the marriage , or will end up in some institution , in a form of living death .
23 Mm , like , her dad says to her why do n't you be a doctor and she , but she do n't want to , you know , she wants to be in a hospital and that , she do n't want to end up in general practice
24 like , she do n't want to end up in general practice .
25 Well sh , does n't necessarily have to end up in general practice does she ?
26 Yet the schools they attend are , on the whole , not as good in terms of status , teacher input and , sometimes , physical surroundings ; they make less use of the educational system beyond the compulsory school stage ; they are less likely to pass government examinations and go on to university ; and they are far more likely to end up in manual occupations , just like their fathers and mothers .
27 On this basis , art treasures which have been misplaced , lost or have ended up in private collections should either be returned or covered by compensation from the guilty party ’ .
28 You could be right , for many people have drifted from one job to another and finally ended up in public relations .
29 Instead they have ended up in these camps , separated from their families .
30 A DRUNKEN rowing eight from an Oxford college ended up in hot water after holding a late-night training session … in the nude .
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