Example sentences of "end [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It came a cropper in 1990 and had to be cut up and sold off , with the remains ending up at Amstral Workstation Solutions Ltd , a value added reseller operation .
2 That she had n't been sleeping properly , finding herself tossing and turning , ending up with twisted sheets and pulverised pillows ?
3 Disappointment was also the reaction of Sealink British Ferries , whose parent company Sea Containers is currently fighting a $1.036 billion bid from Temple Holdings which would involve the UK ferry business ending up in Swedish hands if it succeeds .
4 This does not reflect a radical social openness or free circulation of agents between social positions , since the offspring of the higher occupational grades still have a much greater relative chance of ending up in those grades than people from lower occupational backgrounds , but all the same it represents de facto social mobility on a large scale .
5 In most of these countries there 's now a price tag on these toys cum- objets d'art and they are even ending up in rarefied art galleries .
6 Other measures would involve more combined heat and power ( CHP ) stations , which , instead of discharging into the atmosphere the 60–70 per cent of the primary energy input which ends up as waste heat , would use it to provide hot water and heating in homes and commercial and industrial buildings ; and , of course , a switch from coal — which produces more carbon dioxide per ton than any other fuel — to nuclear , gas , oil and ‘ renewables ’ such as windfalls and tidal barrages .
7 The third sister , Mrs. Price has made an imprudent marriage as she has allowed her feeling to overtake her judgement and finally ends up with little money and too many children .
8 Nevertheless , the dominant female still ends up with most eggs .
9 However , says Freud , ideally , morality and social order should be based , not on the pleasure principle , but on the reality principle , and , and , and he ends up with this book invoking the idea that science should replace erm , religion in , in this respect .
10 In our movie a brute of a German called Otto is killed ( sort of accidentally ) and ends up in two suitcases .
11 Few sufferers are able to stop and many of them end up with multiple amputations .
12 ‘ Counterfeiting is a form of theft which hits customers who end up with sub-standard goods , honest traders who can not compete with rivals who market cut-price alternatives and manufacturers of the genuine articles . ’
13 Otherwise , you could find that you get the piles of pressed material confused , and end up with two pictures that are very similar rather than two individual designs .
14 Funnily enough a sing a double wardrobe which is four foot wide and eighteen inches deep if you split it in half , as the old ones could be , you end up with two pieces two feet and they actually can go up the stairs cos you can just get them underneath .
15 The basic difference is that simple carbohydrates are refined complex carbohydrates , so that if you remove the nutrients from the complex carbohydrates you end up with simple ones .
16 End up with one answer .
17 That 's why you end up with nine pints is it ?
18 That was the great virtue of boozing , to go into a pub by yourself and end up with fifteen mates just for the night .
19 As anyone who has ever attempted it will know , driving nails or picture hooks into a concrete brick wall is not always an easy task — more often than not , you end up with bent nails , and quite possibly , damaged masonry .
20 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
21 It 's often put that hunting is good for the countryside that it 's about controlling foxes the scientific evidence rather puts that to pay the scientific evidence certainly indicates that fox hunting makes very little difference to control of foxes in the countryside and there is some evidence to suggest that fox hunting actually encourages more foxes to breed and that we end up with more foxes , so it seems to be self defeating in that respect .
22 Women who start having babies early end up with more babies than average , and this is the single most important statistical determinant of final family size ( Kiernan 1987 ) .
23 What effectively , I think , I mean I 've never actually sat down because it would be an enormous mistake and nobody would thank me for it , but my guess is that those enormously complex classificated can be understood as a method by which old men rig the system for their own benefit and hide this kinds of ridiculous anonymous and the anomaly basically is the young men end up with old wives
24 The natural tendency is probably to insert a row , copy it down , insert another row and copy it down , insert a row and copy it down , er , you need to do all your inserting first and then copy your formulae cos otherwise you end up with wrong formulae .
25 Put together research on spelling , and the evidence of experienced teachers , and you end up with handy hints like this .
26 And , if you treat this toxin with something like formaldehyde or ethanol , you end up by inactivating it 's toxic properties and you end up with what , what we call a toxoid , something that retains immunological properties , it 's able to stimulate specific immunity to the toxin but it does n't have any of the toxic effects and we end up with this toxoid vaccine against diphtheria .
27 They just energetically throw the pebbles around , and big pebbles and small pebbles respond differently to this treatment so they end up at different levels of the beach .
28 They invariably end up on opposite sides in the Argentine Open .
29 For the most part , the PC 's central processor is used to perform the calculations that end up as pretty pictures on your monitor , but there is a way to take some of the load off the CPU .
30 Often it is girls from already deprived backgrounds who end up in such circumstances , and who are less able to cope on their own .
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