Example sentences of "end [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Ouse takes a slow and meandering course eastwards ending eventually at the Wash .
2 While pottering about her domain she wore old-fashioned riding breeches ending just below the knee , followed by surprisingly pink , surprisingly chubby , bare legs .
3 Her sizeable bottom and not-too-marvellous legs were thinly coated with bright yellow silk jeans ending just below the knee ; her bare feet were thrust into pink mules with diamond spike-heels .
4 They dismiss US claims that the war is ‘ going to plan ’ , noting only that the multi-national force is four weeks into a war which shows no likelihood of ending soon at the time of writing .
5 In his want of pleasure , in his obvious anxiety , he might have opened a bank statement ending deeply in the red .
6 A RUGBY fan broke her leg after ending up at the bottom of a ruck which spilled over the sideline .
7 Susan 's eyes grew wide as Maggie told her about her ride on the telegraph pole , ending up at The Haven where she 'd been rescued by Bryce .
8 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
9 Howard went on to introduce his staff and patients , before ending up at the Doctor and Ace .
10 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
11 FLOORS Wherever there is water or liquid , there is the danger of it ending up on the floor and causing you to slip .
12 So , you 'll be ending up on the breadline worse than ever
13 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
14 There is quite a history of individual countries backing a particular group , taking a particular line , and it all ending up on the battlefield .
15 Quite often she 'd make a grab , I 'd move with her and there would be a tug'o'war , ending up with the food breaking or her giving up .
16 Various high-ranking people , ending up with the governor himself , turned up , asking them to go to bed , but they would n't go .
17 A happier fate than ending up in the cooking pot at Berkeley Castle .
18 With a sharp pang of defeat , he noticed Benny dive headlong through the weakened window , ending up in the water below with a huge splash .
19 Connections of Laurel Queen , Walking The Plank and Buzzards Bellbuoy the trio to sneak in at the bottom of the race will have to send them a percentage if ending up in the money .
20 Or the black Broadway actor who always fears ending up in the gutter .
21 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
22 While a gravel tidy with too fine a mesh will soon block , one with too large a mesh can see the fry ending up in the gravel bed below and the parents trying to get at them .
23 So should not the law be changed immediately to prevent the likes of Dr Cox ending up in the dock ?
24 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
25 The whole area was no more than ten or fifteen years old , straggling along either side of what had once been a country road and ending messily with the shell of an unfinished building of some indeterminate nature .
26 The remaining three peaks of the west ridge ( Loughshannagh , Carn and Muck ) are not especially exciting , but below the ridge to the east is a broad shelf containing the beautiful little lake of Lough Shannagh and ending abruptly at the top of the Ben Crom cliffs .
27 Steps built out in front of retaining walls may look better if they 're ‘ returned ’ : the sides are built out on each step , to form rectangular , curved or rounded ends , filling in all or part of the space up to the retaining wall , so that each step continues round instead of ending abruptly at the side .
28 This sequence of events can be demonstrated diagrammatically in a simplified form , as in Figure 28. l , which shows how each element is linked to form a continuous process ending either in the achievement of targets or the modification of plans as a result of feedback ( see Figure 28.2 ) .
29 It moves to the description of the deposition at " os it were tyme of euynsonge " ( p.91 ) and entombment , ending quietly with the event recorded in Matthew 's Gospel ( 27:66 ) " was set of armede day " .
30 Wind the bobbin with 24-turns of 18s.w.g. enamelled wire , keeping it neatly in layers ( there are about 1½ layers involved ) and bring out the wire ends down through the bobbin slots in the positions shown in Fig. 8 .
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