Example sentences of "twenty years of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , how about this for a scenario : twenty years of solid touring and recording for major names ; a niche in the elite ‘ who 's who ’ of session guitarists on both sides of the Atlantic ; featured on television three times a week backing major artists live on a very hip chat show ; going straight into production for another live prime-time show on Saturday nights ; and work with Tom Jones , Al Jarreau , Stevie Wonder , Mica Paris , Cindi Lauper , Bob Geldof and Curtis Stigers , to name but a few .
2 This event led to a after more than twenty years of intermittent war .
3 For the last twenty years of progressive manufacturing decline in Britain , the one optimistic assertion had been that while industry 's contraction might be irreversible , at least the City of London remained the financial centre of Europe and second only perhaps to New York in the world .
4 In twenty years of psychic work , Marjorie Quigley had never yet refused her fence .
5 Reptile in charge of Magic Roundabout clearly loathes children after twenty years of roundabout rides , encourages smallest most ill-coordinated kids to perch on top of vast heaving wood and plaster horse in hope that when ride begins movement will hurl child into machinery for ever .
6 To mark twenty years of loyal service , Hugh Anderson was presented with an inscribed watch by the Managing Director , Andrew Steel ( left ) .
7 After around twenty years of virtual silence , except for chimes at the occasional wedding , the sixteenth century church bells are finally back in place .
8 The katun , comprising twenty years of 360 days , was the most important unit of time in the Maya view , because the events in one katun were expected to approximate to those in a previous katun that had ended on a day with the same number .
9 Twenty years of criminal neglect ( 60p ) : How Labour has abdicated responsibility for Northern Ireland .
10 Behind you are more than twenty years of habit-forming obedience to the house rules — and why not ?
11 Twenty years of industrial strife had ensured that an industry where we were once world leaders was an object of pity and derision .
12 Paul , in these verses , allows himself the chance to look back with his readers , and see the results of twenty years of Christian service .
13 The flame from its mouth passed over the western lands like a comet and woke millennial longings in the hearts of Roman legionaries , who eked out their twenty years of cold service dreaming of victories and of eating fresh figs under the olive trees of home .
14 ‘ It all looks ludicrous now ’ , observed David Widgery , ‘ but if you realize there had been twenty years of Cold War normalism this was a very exuberant reaction to the world of Pepsodent ads , and the father-mother-children-aren't-we-normal ? kind of thing which was still the prevailing mentality .
15 Under twenty years of military rule , its output has grown to make Brazil the world 's largest agricultural exporter after the United States .
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