Example sentences of "serve only [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However rhetorically brilliant , the critique which Adorno and Horkheimer in Dialectic of Enlightenment offer is ultimately a totalizing discourse in which the dialectic struggles and twists against itself , serving only to tighten the knot which binds it .
2 In England , also , complaints of the difficulty of finding capable diplomats can be heard until far into the eighteenth century ; and many agreed to serve only to put the government under a moral obligation to find some acceptable post for them at home on their return .
3 Bedford ..... 6 Wasps ...... 57 BEDFORD have now conceded 117 points in their last two matches and this latest reversal served only to illustrate the plight of a club who a few months ago were celebrating their arrival in the Courage First Division .
4 But if their frankly messy performance at the last Heavenly bash in December served only to illustrate the gulf that now exists between gamely played ‘ real ’ instruments and the lush sheen afforded the high tech brigade , then tonight their strengths were all their own .
5 The raid had no useful military purpose and served only to alert the Japanese … the intensive fortifications of Tarawa dates from that raid . ’
6 Japanese intransigence , however , served only to harden the resolve of the island nations of the South Pacific .
7 She did what she could with her tousled mass of auburn curls , but when she twisted it into its usual topknot the starkness of the style served only to emphasise the weariness in her wide-set eyes , and with a little mutter of disgust she let the curls fall again , tumbling about her shoulders in riotous abandon .
8 The sea crossing served only to emphasise the idyll we left behind .
9 In so far as the reforms accelerated the growth of capitalism and differentiation between employer and employee among the peasantry , they served only to intensify the misery and oppression of the poorer peasants , to advance the struggle between rich and poor peasants .
10 In each case a working relationship had to be established between employment and education sectors , not without difficulty in certain areas where a lack of trust and respect between potential partners served only to highlight the depth of the cultural divide .
11 Luke Thackray 's warning served only to increase the sarcasm in his mother 's face .
12 In fact , however , their very rarity served only to make the procedure arbitrary in the extreme and , indeed , may have added to the reluctance of owners to offer land for development at all .
13 The increasing specification of sexual behaviour outside the family , which was a product of nineteenth-century sexology and criminal practice , served only to enhance the importance of those definitions which traversed the domestic hearth .
14 It became increasingly clear in the next two years that the change in leaders and policy had served only to weaken the Party still further .
15 Over the last ten years the gap between benefits and wages has widened and the new social security system has served only to heighten the disparity .
16 Verbal exchanges in the days leading up to the opening ceremony had served only to heighten the interest in the event .
17 Two meetings with Philip during the spring resulted in the truce being prolonged until midsummer but otherwise served only to widen the gap between the two sides .
18 This book does not cite all the cases on the subject , and does not cite a case where to do so would serve only to record the existence of that case , with no other purpose .
19 The flash has to have a manual override to be useful , as it will serve only to tell the operator when a photograph has been taken .
20 But the question then arises as to whether all this interactive effort serves only to facilitate the internalization of linguistic knowledge , as Long appears to imply , or whether it does not also develop the executive ability referred to earlier , whereby the learner can access that knowledge in a range of communicative contexts .
21 The current structure of local government , with its varying patterns of single-tier and two-tier authorities and annual and quadrennial elections , serves only to confuse the issue .
22 This negative approach serves only to deny the health authority some service from potential employees .
23 Even if he acted in ignorance of basic board workings , Councillor Buchanan 's actions serve only to undermine the dignity of the board .
24 As a patient , I would like to think that the presence of a doctor 's name on the list would also offer me some sort of guarantee that he or she would not subject me to unnecessary or unjustifiably harmful treatment — whether that treatment be labelled alternative or mainstream , labels that serve only to confuse the issue .
25 Large amounts of coffee , alcohol and cigarettes as well as usage serve only to aggravate the problem , particularly if they are taken in place of a meal .
26 In my view these characteristics serve only to require the court to be more than ever cautious before concluding that Parliament really intended to exclude one of the immunities which I have listed ; and as I have suggested , the words of the Act of 1987 admit of no doubt .
27 As you will see from my strategies — all of which , let me repeat , are derived not from my own beliefs but from what teachers say they actually do — what works for one person may seem quite bizarre to another , and serve only to increase the distress of a third .
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